Do NOT nerf unholy dk

We are finally in a decent spot for the first time during a PvP season this xpac.


Needs some survivability buffs imo. Just a little bit, not too much.


Not too much, but definitely more than just a little bit


If they buff it more than a little, they will definitely nerf it.


Then its Blizzards own bias against DK that they have shown in the last years more than obviously. DKs survivability is gimped ever since the Xpac started when they nerfed Will of the Necropolis, DS by 50% in PvP.
AMS is still paper into casters.

They need to overhaul the fundamental defensive kit of DK entirely. AMS back to being a magic wall (flat % damage reduction) and giving us a selfheal that actually moves our bar.


It needs more damage too sill. I feel like a wet noodle if I am not blowing every dps cd I have at once.

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There is a LOT of damage. I highly recommend just straight wound build

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Yeah, damage is fine right now. Even outside of CDs, doomburst makes popping wounds hit really hard. You just feel like a glass cannon because all your defensive CDs are like 2 minutes long and death strike and bloodforged armor does precious little to keep you up. The only defensive that you can cast regularly is AMS and it barely absorbs anything. So when people are ignoring you, life’s good. When you’re getting trained, you have very little recourse.


duh. that’s always when they nerf us.
dk’s arent allowed to be average.

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How are disease builds right now?

I havent tested disease build personally I know Flark has one in his video though

cs + wounds global does the same damage as my 2.3 second mastery stacking MM’s aimed shot on plate

just saying

And two of your aimed shots kills a dk. We are still squishy just high damage. Before patch all the guides recommended Dk as kill target above nearly any other classes

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DK definitely doesn’t need a nerf.

As others have said, it could still use a bit of a buff in the defensives department. Considering that most of our defensives are on long cds or absolutely demolished by dampening, DK is quite squishy still. We also don’t have a spammable CC and Chains of Ice is not nearly as effective in a Paladin heavy meta.

The damage is good but it’s not omega levels. There are definitely other specs that can do the same level of damage, if not more.

Assuming that’s true, the DK still had to spend an extra global applying applying the wound. Since most DKs are also stacking mastery, the time for his 2 globals > your 2.3s, so congrats you still did more damage than the DK.


there’s no way you’re actually going to this length of “don’t nerf me!!!”

sound like post ret rework players




Literally just attack the DK, they can’t do anything to stop you from bullying them. The only thing that’s changed is that they can hit reasonably hard now, but they are a glass cannon.


I 100% agree that we should nerf unholy dk. Especially dark coil.

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Have you tried binding chains of ice and walking away because you’re also passively unslowable for existing as a DK?

Petkick literally hasn’t lost a game since patch drop idk what that says about your survivability

This is a winging idiot troll people shouldn’t take seriously.

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