Do NOT nerf Guardian Druid Mage Tower

…yikes. And here I was thinking that keybinds and macros were just basic parts of playing the game.

These challenges are/were a good way to learn to play classes/specs or styles that you’re not familiar with. I have similar memories of actually learning to play when I was but a wee little scrubling doing the Hunter bow quests back in Vanilla.

I agree with this so much.

Yes I got it but the main issues I was failing was literally a skill issue. Once I got better at the mechanics and CD management, I was getting closer and closer till I eventually completed it.

Even running M+ now I can confidently say that the Mage Tower has made me a better Bear tank.

Agree with you OP, i got it today 30 attempts total. Nothing iffy like special equipment, hell i did it with not even 1 gem in my equipment only used the BFA Flask and Pot, got it.

I got it and I say nerf it into the ground. I suffered and I don’t take pleasure in others suffering too.

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Oh please, it’s not that bad. It’s fine as it is, stragglers are always going to straggle.

So 96% of players are bad strugglers.

Mage tower is a trash fire tuned to 22 keys. Fewer people have completed a single challenge than have done a Keystone Hero +20 key.

Show me the data that says 96% of players even tried. The stat you’re referring to is self reported from an unofficial site.

So if this is tuned to a 22 key then at least as many people would have completed this as keys that high. It’s almost like there’s something else at work. I know it hurts to hear that bads be bad, but thems the breaks.

Yes, they are incompetent.

Wanna ask, how many attempts it took you to get it?

And that’s why you have zero credibility if you think it’s ok for a world event like time walking to be tuned on par with a 22 key.

More people have a Keystone Hero achiev than even a single tower victory.

According to a stat from an unofficial website, which doesn’t even show how many people even attempted either pieces of content.

Apparently trusting unverified sources and thinking everyone deserves a handout in challenge mode content is credibility. What a silly, bubble wrapped world you live in.


You mean like the locks that used Infinite Corruption and AFK’ed out for 20 minutes ?

Or the Fury Warriors who used double crusader and just button mashed to victory ?

“Challenge”, lol.


And yet the data we have says it is STILL sub 5% completed a single challenge.

So I guess that number is actually inflated, you’re right. You’re right, 95% of the player base sucks and can’t do a single one. There isn’t anything wrong with the content burning out people

Why do you even bother with the bad faith arguments? Just say ‘git gud scrubs’ and say how little you think of the player base. Heck, why are these worms even allowed to play the game at all? Do the mage tower or get banned, am I right?

Because that’s his angle, it makes him feel good to belittle others as evidenced by the bulk of his posts. He is not worthy of a discussion and seldom provides anything of good faith, or of value thus far that I have witnessed. You’re better off simply disregarding and not wasting further energy.

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Can this still be done or was it hot fixed?

The data that’s not verified? Come back when you have something that matters.

This is going to blow your mind, but a lot of people didn’t even bother. The rewards are just recolors and a lot of the recolors are lack luster. And a lot of people already experienced the tower when it was current. You’re really hung up on this 95% of people suck thing.

That’s rich coming from you.

I don’t have an opinion on the player base, but I’ll say git gud to you. You might have done a tower, but your weakness of emotion and mind is palpable.

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I’m sorry, how many times did you reply to me with “thumbs up” when you realized you were outclassed? Go ahead and count for me :clown_face:

  1. You are thinking of someone else, but I enjoyed watching you two bicker.

Now, as I have said elsewhere, this is where my engagement with you ends in this thread.

My apologies, you all blend together. Which one were you?

I’m sorry the truth has scared you off yet again.

Ahh one of those types. Thank you for saving me some time


Fury wasn’t hotfixed no, it’s just easy, as is Vengeance as is Arcane. Warlock was changed completely screwing over the fight for Affliction and the fix is laughable.

It’s only a Challenge for a few losers who got shafted at the “easy tuning lottery”.