Do NOT nerf Guardian Druid Mage Tower

Are you actually this stupid you think posting your garbage main will get anyone banned? You’re a clown.


I am positive it will. You are reported also.

Oh, I probably will get a silence. They actually police GD unlike other forums. lol It’s whatever, I’m happy to take the penalty for pointing out his account is full of paid 15 runs as he sits on his high horse calling other players bad.

Being this toxic so close to Christmas time isn’t a good idea, Santa will leave him coal in his sock.


Are you actually like 5 or something? Shouldn’t you be on Twitter posting your pronouns?


Imagine having an ego over a paid pve boost LOL no wonder he hides his account


Well if I was 5 I couldn’t open a twitter account. Soooooo no.

Gonna have to admit, I’m picturing the level of anger and discomfort in your face right now, and it’s kind of cracking me up.


Funny you know the age limits on Twitter off the top of your head…


Must be past Karen’s bedtime. Filing pointless reports and demanding managers takes a lot out of you.


You’re such a God.

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No, but my 3s partners are.

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Although I think it was a bit overtuned (did the guardian druid one day 2) I don’t think it should be nerfed into the ground. Repetition is key, it’s a pattern and it’s always the same. Just about learning the mechanics and eventually you can get it. I agree with you though, people who enjoy challenging content should be allowed to have said content + it’s rewards. There IS casual stuff and challenging content and it should stay that way. If you want something that badly from a challenge mode then you should have to earn it, not have it handed to you because it’s too hard for you. The people who got it worked hard for it.

“Now that I have it, no one else should have it so I can feel special.”

If you could time travel to be aboard the Titanic, instead of convincing the captain to take a more southerly route to avoid the reported ice fields, you’d stay silent and drill holes in all the life boats except one which you’d lower and disembark in 30min before iceberg contact so you’d be the only survivor in order to make yourself feel special.

I feel special when I can help other people like volunteering, helping my neighbors, even assisting other players.

I want the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent because it’s gorgeous not because it’s rare.

The day RNGeezus smiled on me and Rei Lun finally dropped the Pristine Scale, when I dropped group and sharded back to my realm, Rei Lun was up, but no one was there. So I listed a group and helped another person get the mount by staying and continuing to admit people into the group.

Paying it forward pleases Karma.

Karma is a Goddess and those who forget that do so at their own peril.


Guardian MT could use a solid 10-20% HP nerf again. Mechanics are fine otherwise. But even if they do nerf it to the ground, I couldn’t care less. Fel bear is pixels in a game, we’re here for fun, not to feel exclusive. People really do turn into tribal apes over absolutely everything and it’s pathetic


I disagree, It needs to be toned down. Not by much, but just an additional 5% taken off Kruul and it’d be fine. The DPS requirement to kill Kruul is a bit too strict.

I managed to do it on my druid this morning. And I wasn’t happy. I didn’t feel “Oh man, this feels so rewarding!”. I was frustrated. And the whole thing felt stupid. I killed it because RNG shined in my favor.

Iskar’s trinket from HFC did 18% of my overall damage. Potion of Unbridled Fury did almost 10% of my overall damage. Ravaged Seed Pod from Emerald Nightmare was almost 6%. Double Shadowcore Oil did 3%. On top of using Boralus Blood Sausage, a Flask and Augment runes.

It feels horrible knowing I only got it because RNG procs 100% out of my control contributed to 35% of my damage in the encounter. And I still died shortly after the 4th Annihilate, though luckily he was sub 1% so Velen and Korvas were able to finish him off along with my Thrash and Moonfire.

Obviously I know people have killed him without those trinkets. But still, I’m not a bad player, I don’t think I’m a great player but given the only way I could beat it was due to such RNG, it just…feels bad.

And no Blizzard, this isn’t a call to nerf those items. I just genuinely think reducing Kruuls health slightly more will ease the insane DPS needed while keeping the overall challenge intact. (On my kill, I was doing 1k DPS due to all the procs and stuff). That’s a bit…much to be needed from a tank encounter.

This Timewalking iteration is harder than the Legion MT was during Nighthold. Most of the encounters need further adjustments. It doesn’t need to be end of Antorus with the overcharged artifact levels of difficult but it should be tuned somewhere between Tomb and Antorus given 1) The original MT was balanced around ToS gear, the artifact and 2 legendary items(aka, borrowed power and we are stripped of ours) and 2) It’s Timewalking content which by definition is supposed to be a fun nostalgic throwback.

These challenges absolutely shouldn’t be freebies. But the emphasis during Legion was more about the mechanics, opposed to doing orange/pink parse levels of DPS.


The problem with carrying over benefits earned in old content is that people who have not done that content are permanently behind.

Yes, it CAN be done, but it’s no achievement to do so. It’s a long, boring grind that eliminates all love for the game and your character by the time it’s over. I realized that I would never wear the mage tower transmog because of what it would remind me of.

So nerf it, buff it, I don’t care. It’s an objective only fools chase.


1 I get excited about anything i like is introduced in wow and i wait eagerly .
2 When its released i leave everything and go to do it .
3 Hmm i hit a snag okay where is wowhead ! i go there right away.
4 Learn what i did wrong or didnt do right and get on with it .
5 I come back and apply that newfound knowledge and win win win :slight_smile:

Thats how i play this game but after doing step 4 again and again and again and making sure i know everything about that “thing” i come back to do number 5 and yet still get facerolled because of a simple fact that the damage and health of boss/adds/w/e is extremely high and no amount of guides or vids or advice is not gonna fix that at all .
If i m wrong i always accept it if you need proof then you gotta scour my posts as there has been times when i was wrong about something and the other poster pointed out the misunderstanding and i apologized heavily . But in this instance i know i m not wrong :frowning: sadly . I want to be wrong about this but this is not doable by most of the playerbase ,not gonna uise the term casual as it seems everyone likes to call themselves casuals now .


I have as off tonight 400 wipes. I know the fight. Watched too many videos. I have tried both the boomy way and all out tank way. A lot of people say this has no RNG. Explain why one fight the infernal lands on you and the next one will land across the map. Explain why in P1 the boss will some times cast drain life with in the first two casts, and in others it will be the forth cast. I work 60-80+ a week. I have put soo much time and gold into this. Sure , a challenge is fine. 400 wipes. Way too much. Not everyone is an elite player and can use full scale keybinds/macros. I wiped at p2 22 times at 1%. the rest have been 4-14%. Just not enough damage pumped out. Congratz to the people who did get it, but not all players are amazing players. I just wish it was more straight forward to what stats you need the most etc. The dif food/flasks all scale differently. I have played for years. This by far has left a bad mental strain to me. With per-existing mental issues, this did not help in any way. It has made it worse and makes me feel less than and before Mage tower came back i felt like i was a good players. RIP to us players who have tried so hard just for people to tell us to “get good” " Keep trying! you got this!" knowing well and good that everyone is not going to get it. I watched a lot of videos on this fight. The purple bumper bars you jump over . If some videos you see people running threw them with no push backs. I will be jumping and still be pushed back at lest 2-3 times before my toon goes over it.( That is just one) RNG trink/pot procs really help if you get them. We do try and have been trying.

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If I had a reason to care, I’d say make it harder if anything so I see fewer of those fel abominations in my dungeons. The OG was alright I guess, but this new one is thematically wrecked and I say this as someone with 5 druids. Blah, blah, corrupted ashbringer wasn’t that cool either and would’ve made zero sense on a paladin.