Do NOT nerf Guardian Druid Mage Tower

if I was able to do this one and get the mount after some of the nerfs then anyone can do it

i suck so much and haven’t even raided in years and have never done any mythic plus

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I see. So you have a couple of isolated incidents and somehow that’s supposed to invalidate the fact that most of them are and are intended to be challenging?

Mhm, found an excuse to leave a conversation you lost. Classy exit strategy.

Hang on, aren’t you the guy who was all riled up against a loose a fallacious definition of ‘FOMO’ while simultaneously participating in said ‘FOMO’? No wonder you don’t want any part of this, probably still holding the proverbial ice pack on your proverbial eye from the last time we talked :rofl:

Isolated ? There’s like 7-8 specs that are unchallenging. There’s like 4-5 that are overtuned.

If anything the overtuned ones are the odd ones out.

I’ll forgive the fact that this is subjective, because I’m curious which ones you thought (from experience) were easy. Do tell.

See this is the thing right- what’s overtuned is completely subjective. Why do I say that? Because some people will regard the same tower as easy while others regard it as unfair. So whose baseline do we consider standard?

There’s nothing subjective about the ones that are unchallenging.

No, the thing is you’re a MT thread troll. We all know it.

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Damnit, I’m gonna bite here, once, then be on my way.

You’d like to reflect on that exchange? Quite simply, I just laughed. Laughed because you highlighted your inability.

Inability to apply simple concepts to time relative scenarios. Inability to understand behavioural patterns. Inability to understand human psychology and how marketing strategies abuse it. All while playing yourself off as some mental juggernaut. Laughable. But I digress, that’s done and dusted.

However, no, I have observed you (as many others have too) in almost every MT thread just serving arguments that belittle. Arguments that serve no constructive purpose.

I choose to let people know what they are engaging with so they can avoid it, and save their time.

Good luck out there


Others have done it, after a line the problem with being unable to beat it is you…your own skills or impatience. Your scapegoating your own lack of skills and blaming it on “difficulty”.

So 96% of the player base is just bad and incompetent. That’s quite the take.

So what’s your objective metric? And don’t avoid the question, what are the unchallenging ones?

I imaging everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.

Sure. I’ve heard that before.

And I laughed because you highlighted yours. Not much of a point here.

Yet you participated in it just like I did, and reinforced that in fact this system is successfully engaging. And you can’t recognize the irony.

I recognize one of them, the other one took you at your word. Unless I’ve got a cult following who you can list, I’m going to call foul on this one.

I suppose in your mind, your own arguments do, however? Subjectivity is subjective, this is silly.

Nah, you tossed out an opinion of me based on the fact that we disagree and I won’t just nod my head and smile at you. Although in fairness I suppose people who are afraid of having bad ideas exposed are going to take your advice, since you’ve had to learn the hard way. I can only imagine what shocks your day to day life contains with that mentality.

I don’t need luck, I’m gud.

Pull numbers and success rate and community feedback.

Overwhelming agreement : Fury is easy. Vengeance is easy. Arcane is easy. There’s tier lists on reddits and Youtube.

You know this, how is it not trolling to pretend you aren’t clued into this at this point, after having been in 100% of Mage Tower threads.


Where can I find these numbers?

I can’t speak to arcane because I never did it, but vengeance and fury were always two of the easiest towers. Both for obvious reasons- their kits synergize extremely well with the tower mechanics. This doesn’t mean the current version’s tuning is off. Being easier doesn’t mean they’re easy, though. So unless you’re going to provide those numbers I asked for, you’re still basing this on subjectives.


… I’m trolling because you claim I’m in every MT thread. But the only way you could know that is by being in every MT thread. So by your definition, you’re also a MT thread troll. So if you’re gong to call me what you are and do so as if it’s a point that matters, you’ve resigned to the fact that you have no legitimacy to make that claim about me.

The Guardian Challenge was very tough, a lot more challenging then back in Legion.

The encounter should have been released with pre-set gear and consumables so that everyone had exactly the same challenge. That would bring it down to skill and performance, which IMO should be what allows you to earn it.

This gimmicky timewalking gear that does tons more damage then current gear is just bad design.


I’m curious about Blizzard’s participation metrics. How many attempts do people make on the encounters before giving up? Agatha took me around 50 tries on my fury warrior, I can’t imagine putting in hundreds on the guardian druid encounter. Blizzard obviously wants people to play their game, and if people are getting frustrated and quitting then player participation suffers. I’m not in favour of blanket nerfs but some tuning of a few specific encounters might be a good gesture.

The best metric we have is from data for azeroth. Under 4% have even a single challenge done.

That’s fewer people with Keystone hero (timing a +20). If that is accurate they tuned these things to be around the +21 keystone difficulty. That’s a big yikes, especially if you compare to to the achievement from completing a legion mage tower which is about 29%


“It must be nice having that much free time”
-Yoshikage Kira


then you can pay for everyones subscription! Until this game becomes free, i expect to be provided the same items as everyone else if i want them regardless of “skill”. This is not some 20+ mythic raid requiring AOTC to get. This is a single player event and should be setup to accommodate all player.

I for one do like challenges and do not mind working for something. However, there are challenges, and then there are screw you’s which is what the guardian druid tower is

I still think everyone should hit the cancel subscription button and see how quickly blizzard changes the event. Nothing like a few million taken out of your pocket to make you change your ways


One of many things - impatient, casual, hate challenge content, also there’s no officially released stats for completion so we don’t know that.

I’ve seen a few videos of the Legion version of mage tower. Towards the end of that expansion when most people were outgearing the encounter, the boss just melts. That’s not the case at all this time around. That’s also nuts only 4% of the playerbase have completed a single encounter, I’m not surprised though. I’ve only done fury warrior, it was brutal but is considered one of the easier ones.

took me 780 attempts. i made a macro (posted in another thread) that helped me finish in style. i was at full health when kruul went down. he went down hard when i finally got my revenge.


They probably tuned the Guardian challenge to be much harder than the others on purpose due to the extra reward. They’re probably never going to intentionally make it easier.