Do NOT nerf Guardian Druid Mage Tower

Did you watch any videos on tactics and advice? Read any sites? Asking because that was the difference for me. I watched like 4 videos and even joined a Discord channel to ask questions. Every piece of advice I got I got a little better until eventually it all came together. Was a super proud moment that I spent time researching, practicing and failing but I persevered.

I think the hard facts are that some players are that 9th batter in the lineup and no matter how slow you pitch him or her the ball he is gonna whiff. But they don’t change the game for that kid.

Hidden account, hidden profile. Huge OP full of caps locked words, and incredible disdain for ‘casuals.’

Imagine being you. Lol


It’s not casuals. It’s people who can’t do something and expect it to be taken to their level so they can have it too. I mean seriously, and I am called selfish lol? It’s incredibly selfish, while tons of people have done it, and wanting it nerfed so you can. I mean really. That’s the definition of selfish.

You aren’t good enough. You don’t get it. Move on.

By the way, I hid my profile because people like you click to it and then look for anything to discredit me. No ammo for you bro.

You’re up late at night, spamming a video game forum because you’re frantic over the thought of someone you don’t consider good at the game gaining access to an arbitrary xmog that no one will care about in 2 weeks.

I’m not implying you’re selfish, just that you might want to evaluate your life choices. What do you care if World Questers gain easy access to a transmog that doesn’t even come from any form of content that carries merit in-game?

I’m honestly just surprised it’s caused this much inner-conflict in the minds of the playerbase; the mogs outside of werebear aren’t even worth the time to farm.


The sooner they realize what Final Fantasy did, that rewarding all players is more profitable, instead of catering to a small percentage of hyper toxic late 40-50 year olds still living with their parents; the better off they will be.

Oh and I did the Mage Tower on the classes I give a crap about already.

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You do realize that Final Fantasy has difficult solo content too, right?

They boggled this badly. The idea that casuals should be made to feel like they serve no purpose in the game but to be moneybags for Bobby’s yacht makes no sense.

This is how successful games in this genre are designed. Wow is declining because it has decided to abandon the principle that making players happy they play the game makes they want to continue playing and instead gone with making anyone not elite sorry they subscribed.

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I always look at people’s profiles when they start throwing around huge ego to see what makes them feel so superior. You hiding yours while being super toxic tells me everything I need to know about what level of content I could expect to find you in. I only made mention of it to point out that you’re a coward on top of a hateful person. Lol


12 posts,
Troll thread
It’s like people don’t even try anymore

You do realize it’s also not poorly tuned and beset with arbitrary rules like “No Legion Artifacts still don’t work even though this is a Legion encounter” It really is amazing what happens when one cares about their work and takes pride in it, instead of being focused on winning political brownie points.

The intelligent thing would have been to have Artifacts reactivate in the encounters and then just restore the original ones with tweaks to account for the class changes.

Ah but I forget myself, that’s too much for a small indie company I suppose…

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Do you really feel it would have been successful if players who hadn’t played Legion and had no artifact were unable to participate?


Neither is the mage tower.

Difficult =/= poorly tuned. Not sure why this poorly tuned became a buzzword all of the sudden.

I think you are trying lead into a straw man and I won’t respond to such a nonsensical statements, such as the ones you two are making. Have a great night. Mage Tower was better when better Developers were working at the company.

I mean, aren’t you doing the same thing? Lol. And I am not even remotely frantic. You and I just look at it different. You want everyone to have it and I don’t. Somehow you toss a “life” attack in there. Who’s the one taking the video game too serious lol ?

You. You’re taking the game too seriously–unless someone else wrote the novel of replies you have in this post and you’re unaware of the content. In which case I would suggest locking your PC when you’re AFK.


Take your own advice.

If you want the reward just do the content. It’s that simple and it’s how most games work…

I’ll think about it, Haskins-Area 52. Or is it Bevoret-Area 52? Have a good night calling people bad and being mean to casual players. lol


Thanks. Reported. I win :slight_smile:
On ignore and reported by the way. Sent a screenshot to support.

Outing you for being boosted and toxic is worth a few day silence. lol

10 timed 15’s, zero lower keys. lol Imagine that.