Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

Some people don’t have the TIME.


Yeah that’s what I said XD, and similar to when they got banned. People took the rumors as boosting communities being outright banned which wasn’t the case. Blizzard has to make a case against the community, to ensure that the leaders can’t pick up from where they left off easily, and it takes time and a lot of paperwork to do so over just outright ban hammering them silently and moving on.

HOW? HOW IS THAT NOT A GOOD EXCUSE? How would you like to have to contact Blizzard every other day because people ABUSE the report system? You are so full of it.

Until they can fix the auto-silence crap, there is no point to giving gold boosting their own channel. If they can fix it, then fine, I’m all for it.

good. players getting power and achievements they never deserved is a bigger problem than losing a few subs to boosters. boosting culture punishes good honest players for doing the right thing.


And who are you to decide if they deserve it or not? Some people do not have the time to achieve the things that you do but still want to experience the game. To say they don’t deserve it is a terrible view to have.

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Sounds like people who pay for consumables don’t deserve it since they don’t put in the time and effort to make them themselves.

See how that argument works? It’s a pretty bad one.


The reality is there are tens of thousands people who only play the game to play as boosters. They like the thrill of earning tons of gold and being an elite player. This is how they also pay for their materials and flasks and foods and repairs to push mythic content themselves.

So you not only kill off the players who buy boosts which is probably a huge number of adults who just don’t have time to play but still want good gear but also kill off all these communities.

I honestly don’t think it would be too much of an over statement to say that wows revenue and token sales would drop by at least 50% when you take into account tokens, lost subs, lost store purchases that some people who are subbed inevitably make, etc.

If Blizzard were your company making you money, do you kill off that business to stifle the cries of people who don’t “like” boosters? Who by the way, the ones doing it for gold only are doing absolutely nothing wrong. They are using their real time, energy, and play skills to provide a service that requires them to work hard and actually play the game while doing so. That’s the actual definition of an economy by the way.

The only difference between 100% gold boosters and people who make money through professions is… not much.

Whether I like the boosting community or not I am just trying to look at this from a neutral and business point of view. If I am Blizzard do I stop it?

No way, no how would I personally lose out on tens of millions of dollars because some people dislike that others found a way to legitimately make gold using their skill.

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one of the more experienced pvpers in the game, as well as someone who has been around both sports and esports my whole life.

then they dont acheive them, simple as that, i dont have the time or training to go climb mount Everest. that doens’t mean i get to buy a trophy saying i did.


you’re right, it doens’t even make sense, try another argument.


How does it being in Trade affect you? To be honest the boosting adds in Trade have been the closest thing to trade for years. For the most part since Cata trade has been Barrens chat 2.0 or a place to troll people.
Do the adds interfere with those things for you?

Absolutely not. The exact opposite.


And congrats for you, it doesn’t mean that you have any sort of superiority over anyone else

That is not for YOU to decide.

Actually, no, it isn’t. Lol. People will straight up not play the game if they don’t have the time to keep up with their friends.

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Boosters are just the replacement for gold selling bots

Both spam chat and lfg nonstop
W8ing for them to start sending mail to sell you stuff now


This makes zero sense because they’re not selling gold.

it means i have expertise and experience to back up my opinion, both in the real world and in game.

yeah it is. as someone who participates in games and competition, i have every right to call you a cheater for doing exactly that. what point is there in having a game at all if people are not going to play it and instead just pay for the trophies and rewards of that game to claim they are a master player.

we have a word for people who claim to be what they are not: Liar


No one is cheating, this is not E-sports. What is wrong with you? LOL.

He said the game would die without boosting. Absolutely not, this game was even more successful when boosting was much less prevalent. The blanket statement that no matter what else, banning boosting would kill the game. The game would not die without boosting.


if you buy an arena carry or AoTC/CE or M+ keystone master achievement, you are a cheater and a liar. those achievements are supposed to be for players who earn them. buying them cheapens the feat of earning them and demotivates legit players from even trying.