Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

It definitely wouldn’t DIE, but they would definitely lose some of their playerbase that still remains. And at this point, I don’t think they can afford that.

Alright, done replying to you because you are too dense and full of yourself.

AKA, you don’t like the truth pointed out to your face.


Some may quit if they can’t buy boosts. Many more will and have quit if their “competitive” game allows people to pay to progress faster than they do, especially in a game that already uses both a sub and box price model.

Boosting ruins pvp. I hope they do one thing in pvp which is to make boosters boost at their own level. You get duelist on a character? You have duelist gear? Well you’re never fighting in the 1700 bracket again this season. You and your carry can fight duelists.


this would increase queue times and reduce participation. a better alternative is to eliminate ilvl gaps in pvp entirely. either by scaling everyone to the same ilvl globally or scaling everyone to a bracket ilvl. so if you are in 2400 gear and you enter an unrated or 1400 match, your gear gets scaled down to unrated or 1400 ilvl.


nah thats just the peoples laziness. The problem isn’t wanting to be boosted or boosting . The real problem is the WoW token that lets those people that want to be boosted pay humongous amount of gold bought by the game.
The accessibility of any amount of gold is just a swipe away, and the greed of people to be like “i can make money from this”. Even before the token people were boosting friends or just people they know for maybe some IRL money or something. But being accessible the way that it is now, and the community tolerating it being a thing is what caused all this transformation of the community, that has killed pugs and made players have 0 incentive for content, but treat it as business transactions.

While killing the boosting communities is not gonna fix everything, it does eliminate a lot of the filth surrounding the game at the moment, with anything pug being dead, endless spam of ads like im on someone’s computer with 15 bars installed on their internet explorer and Advertisements popping everywhere.


I agree that normalizing ilvl would be a good idea in pvp. They did this in Legion and the boosters and bads complained.

I think that the decrease in that kind of participation, you know, being stomped by teams both overgeared and overskilled for your bracket, and you losing points regardless. That would be a good thing.

Blizzard also has spam as an account actioned offense. One community skirting the rules and making thousands of sale accounts, what it seems like anyway as I’m not privy to that info, to all spam a message every 10 seconds is against those rules.

Sell your boosts, just post it less. People would get in trouble for spamming their guilds too much back in the day, yet the boosting spam goes by without recourse? No shot

It’s quite literally spammed as much as the gold selling and boosting services of old were. That’s the problem. It’s so in your face if you have trade open. Believe it or not most people probably don’t want boosting ads thrown at them. Just slow down on the adds and boost to your hearts content.

I’m just going to assume you are an avid booster and protecting your cash cow. Forgive me if wrong but just statements like that get me. I agree don’t remove boosting fully but to say it’s better to keep the poison (boosting spam) flowing because it would be painful to stop it is wrong.

Boosting needs to be reeled in. Doubtful anyone would quit either. The people who boost avidly will probably continue to do it anyway (again, which is fine to me) and already were invested in the game to the point of boosting anyway. Boostees will figure out who to talk to as well even if Huokan theoretically was gone (which I disagree with, better to just control it than dismantle it).

I’m pretty sure they stopped giving out trophies for climbing Mt. Everest back in the late '70s, so if you want one, you’re pretty much gonna have to buy it.

the problem is that boosting is big money for blizz, but it does so at the cost of the game, its like burning your house down to feel really warm for a few minutes during a snowstorm.

i have friends who have payed for boosts, but i have a lot more friends who have quit playing all together because of the boosting situation just in pvp.


It’s not 1 person or account in trade every 10 seconds. in fact, you can only post in trade 2 times a minute. Why Huokan in particular is so obnoxious in trade is that they have ~20 people in trade at any given time on most high pop servers.

You can go to a lower pop server to try and avoid it, but that comes with other problems.

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Then why play and invest into a game with real money if the only “fun” is buying your way through content.

Pay to fun is whats killing gaming as a whole. This now now now lazy mentality in games is exactly why so many micro transactions and currency buying is becoming such a cancer…it tells game creators not to invest in fun story or gameplay just sell the gold and gear and transmogs and milk the lazy whales for all they got.

Subscribe for fun! Only 15$ and additional 20$ to skip that line maybe pay us anoth 5 here or there dont you think this is fun!?! Oh look a whiney mount not available unless you fork over 2 months of game time! Oh so fun I earned this because I have a magical debt card!

Thats not gaming…


You have a very narrow view on things if you think that people can’t have fun in a game if they get boosted in small specific areas of it.

Because that’s what WoW is. There is no “achievement” involved in playing any portion of WoW. It’s a piece of entertainment that you pay to consume.

I’d bet my account Houkon offloads a bunch of gold they accrue somewhere in the process, they never accept money because then they can claim they are a gold only community. Boosting has exploded since the introduction of the WoW token to the point where the amount of gold they are generating is so astronomical that the only legitimate way to burn through that gold would be if it was ran by the top guilds of raiding who burned it on RTWF…but it’s not.

As I recall the Gallywix community didn’t really set out to make money off their services, but once they were up and running they were bringing in so much gold it didn’t make sense to try to keep it all because they had no feasible way to spend it.

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no, its a game you pay to have access to. inside that game there are many games, some of which you need to earn wins properly. you have no right to content just because you want it.


I’m gonna add an observation here. They have a few boosters running several accounts across multiple servers to advertise spam, delete and remake characters so they can bypass ignore (a deleted character is removed off an ignore list that if a person recreates the toon with the same name it’s knocked off of meaning account wide ignore goes out the window), and use new accounts that are essentially burner accounts to do it with (guide function on allows you to see that).

If you have at the bare minimum 2 accounts, you can make a level 1 (or level 10 if you prefer foxes) and monitor trade chat. Few of them advertise at the exact same time every 3 minutes (on the dot), meaning they are probably using banned software (not 100% on the software could just be real fast but even then it’s real sus).

btw sorry this took a while to type I had to afk for a bit for a phone call.

I know alot of boosters that boost to make the gold then spend the gold they earned in another piece of content, like pvp boosters that want mounts or Cutting edge etc,

I don’t think this harms anyone.

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Looks like it’s not a rumor any longer.

what did you find?