Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

unlike you “Mon”, i wont give up so easily, i’ve sat by and watched this game get worse and worse. in a game that fixates on the endgame, there is a serious amount of gatekeeping going on. to where people literally have to camp in Oribos to get a group going and MAYBE they’ll fill their parties up, but that gets harder and harder by the day when people give up and give in to Boosting. after all, why take the tougher option when an easier road is right in their sights?

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Maybe try actually playing the game instead of paying someone else to play it for you.

I’m glad this is finally happening.


you can’t watch how the game gets worse, because judging by your progress, you only play it on the forum. wake up you have no progress in more than one high-end mode, what can you talk about. never even appeared in this content. another low-skill populist who plays only on the forum shouting slogans to get the support of the majority

Ban them all!

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people that dont play the way YOU play are not wrong.
wow neeeds more than just Raid, M+ Arena and Boosting.
thats what really need to be addressed.
make MORE gearing pathways, not just boosting for people that dont have time, or some other reasons like a disability.

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i play the game, however for years i was unable to even do group content due to PC issues, and yeah a greenhorn like me has a snowball’s chance in Fel at getting anywhere without camping in Oribos all day to get groups together, because the PUGs pug and the Boosters boost, leaving people like me in the dust. you are in your position because of your Raider IO, if you were in my position you would see that this system is folly.


you do 0 progress in m+,0 progress in raids,one time in your life closed heroic(maybe its was boosting))).0achieves in pvp.
and you sit and argue with the air of an expert on the state of the game for the amusement of the majority, giving out your nonsense and populism.
if I were in your place and I was there. I wouldn’t waste time on the forum spreading misinformation and crying all the time that something is stopping me from improving. which I did. but you are so sure that you are good at everything that you look for excuses instead to play and learn

Over half the players against boosting services arent even affected by them. They’re either too bad to be a booster or too broke to afford a boost so they’re just salty that people buy an achievement they couldn’t or could barely obtain. They don’t realize ppl will still sell and buy but there will be 0 security for buyers now from scammers and boosters just make way less gold now. Theres 100% nothing wrong with selling a service which proven by them not banning boosting. Blizzard just banned communities to pander to the player base that doesn’t even stay subbed or run high end content.


well said all they can do is look at ur current stats and berate you based on that , meanwhile as they rage type up a storm we rejoice in a spam free chat epic faail

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God, when I understood and had knowledge in the game at your level. I just sat and improved my game and knowledge. I didn’t even have the thought of writing my incompetent opinion. and it’s you who make this game worse who complain about everything in anything even they don’t understand because such experts with 0 understanding of something full official forum

bah, i’m outta here, wasting time arguing with your blue behind! the game is a mess because of people like you dont give a Fel about anyone but your damned self. i’ll put an end to boosting myself, i’ll get to where you’re at and then i’ll help people for free, then we’ll see if those boosters remain without any customers.

I personally was never able to make lots of gold until I found boosting and now I feel like I’ve had a major part of the game taken from me for no reason. I dont play the AH game but I’m really good at M+ and boosting services. It’s not fair that I’m not allowed to make gold off a “game” when theres nothing wrong with selling what I’m good at. Now ill never be able to buy the zulian tiger/Bruto/t3 etc that I was working so hard to save for.

post on main or you have no right to flame other people

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you can keep shouting populist slogans without understanding what leads to what and what the situation really is with 0 progress in the game instead of figuring out something easier to start with. keep making the game worse your achievements in another 5 years, think about why someone succeeds in everything and you have nothing, the problem is in someone or something other than you and your expert opinion

epic fail you can still boost so stop whining and find a work around bytw playing ah not hard and easy gold its your fault if you cant find a substitute…

my main on eu servers on which everyone does not care, including the developer

You might be right I don’t think blues play their own game. A blue would only have 3995 achievement points and believe they play the game. (We know you meant troll)

This post shows that you’ve very clearly never boosted. I can make 500k in one day with a community. By yourself youre lucky to get 5 ppl online at the same time much less advertise for yourself and get 1/3 of the buyers on one realm. Cant expect much tho from the bads.

try to understand that all boosters are only happy to ban the gold community because it will increase the demand for rmt sites where they will earn more and easier. but it’s hard for you clown to understand

it’s not by yourself which they clearly outlined FAIL you can have a guild and perhaps it a change u just have get used to. the spam rediculous but there better way to deal with it on blizzard end. big win for players and runts everywhere