Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

Maybe you’re just a low skill player but boosting a m15 on an alt is hardly p2w. Buying glad and CE sure… but anything beyond that is fair game and not even close to “winning”.

No one who has CE cares if another person buys it FYI, everytime I read a comment from someone who says they didn’t earn it or w/e other bull they never have it. Raiders don’t care if someone else has the same achieve/xmog because we don’t scream to blizz to cater to us.

My CE isn’t any less diminished because someone else suddenly got one.


Didn’t read your post. Sorry that happened to you, or really happy for you.

Anyway, ban boosting communities.

If you guys are gonna unsub because you can’t spam about boosting anymore in game, bye. You aren’t wanted and haven’t been wanted in this community for a while I promise. You certainly won’t be missed. :wave:


the only thing that players get is more chances to stumble upon scammers and more rmt. a good step blizzard. you better spend your time on ensuring that you do not have one patch for a year and balance your modes like torghast and a bunch of disgusting systems that only get worse with patches

DO ban boosting communities!!! their is a level 21 in here saying to do not more like do . guilds can still boost for gold epic fail. it builds better realm community and they can still gain good reputation FAIL

all that the boosting community did was provide the best service with guarantees and reputations. all that they achieved with this step was to destroy their community, while boosting would still exist only in the worst form

Cant tell me what to do mum!

if the game cannot survive with people being lazy, people are almost always gonna take the easier road, not the more difficult one. Boosting needs to stop and it needs to be put to an end NOW.

What qualifies you to dictate to everyone else how much time they have to sink into unenjoyable content in order to gear and play alts at a level they enjoy?

the funniest thing is to observe that people have absolutely no progress in the game, but instead of playing they come up with problems for themselves that supposedly interfere with them)))

naive children fall for the headlines, unable to comprehend what this step will lead to

your still in here spamming about your conmunnity FAIL time to find a waay to adjust heh

im 100 rating how do i get out of this pit guys its not even freacking possibel :relaxed::relaxed:

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I am not a member of the community and I have a lot of free time, since Blizzard cannot release a patch for more than a year, and I have closed all seasonal and raid modes.
by the way, I advise you to also try to close at least something for at least an annual patch before fighting windmills

but better try to comprehend at least once what will lead to what and not lead to the headline

I would call that playing.
I thought you meant getting the boosting was playing.
That said. You should not need a job in a game to play the game.

yup your talking like a wind mill causz you makeing no damb sense [[epic fail][ like what in the hah hahaaha!! ha…

oh? and what will getting rid of boosting do? other than force lazy whales to play the titan-damned game? hard to do said content when everybody is like “no thx, just paid 900K for my AOTC, i’m good.”

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Oh trust me I agree with that the state of consumables and lego base pieces is utterly absurd.

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you won’t get rid of boosting child, understand this already and read the article and think about where it will lead. only to the fact that there will be merchants on their own behalf and more scammers and more deals from rmt sites. how naive and stupid do you have to be to not understand this