Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

Easy, this is my first season pushing arena. I’m having a blast stomping bads that buy boosts.
Thanks for proving you’re a fraud and unable to be trusted.

Playing arena and pushing arena are two different things. I don’t expect you to know the difference. And I actually first went into arena in 2011 iirc. You can’t even find this stuff out properly. I guess you are as bad of a detective as you are a PvPer.


You literally got duelist last season as well as this season, so you’re pushing 2 seasons in a row, minimum, aka you lied, aka I can’t trust you didn’t try in the other seasons too. You’re done kid.

Duelist last season in RBGs. No one counts that lol. Stop embarrassing yourself. Please.

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You got brutally dedicated last season, stop lying please. You’re no longer a reliable source of information.

Don’t make me pull this car over to side of the road


This is one of the most pathetic cases of deflection I have ever seen. You don’t even know what that achievement is. You got caught buying boosts, you are a joke to anyone that PvPs. Deal with it.

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Oh no sidegame players opinion. Incredibly important. You lied, deal with it.

P2W is not a hard concept to grasp. I’m sorry you can’t understand what it means

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I agree with this but PvP should be about cosmetics and not item level. The gladiator and rank 1 players can have all the cool mounts and tabards but let the casual players be on an equal footing with item level

You are ignorant. You’ve now argued that you didn’t buy a boost, to being called out by multiple gladiators, to admitting you bought a boost, to telling everyone it is a side game that you don’t care about. :clown_face:

Also, not my fault that you are so incompetent at arena that you can’t differentiate between playing and pushing and what achievements are and what they mean. You also had no idea you would be so easily identified as a terrible player that got boosted.

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Why has this post been hijacked with irrelevant PVP dribble? PVP is the least organised element of boosting, communities only offer it out of necessity for coverage.

It is the least impacted area.

Delusional and 10 years hardstuck in a sidegame, I pity you.

You are still hardstuck at probably 1500 if you had to play on your own. Good luck pal.

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The villain goes away after being unmasked to pay the penitence. Learn that what you did was wrong, hurting other legitimate HUMANS who were playing fair and square. Now disappear while being forever know as a liar, cheater and everything wrong with boosting


Who types like that. I swear PvP rots your brain.

You’re right I don’t really care, it’s just for entertainment at this point. Like an after credits scene where the Scooby-Doo villains been unmasked(You) but still has a running gag(You continuously embarrassing yourself further)


You play a sidegame bro and you’re talking about embarrassing yourself, go play a real game like dota or cs if you wanna pvp.

I don’t play this game lol I only keep a sub to troll the forums nowadays

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