Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

‘Werewolf’ is not a class. FAIL.

Mythic raid or M+? Doesn’t really matter. There is vers on them. So I can buy a CE or M15, the next week I get to choose something in my vault that may have more vers than the unrated pvp gear but at least 10 ilvls higher. Is that an advantage?

I responded to a post that said PvE boosting is ok but PvP boosting bad. I am saying that there is gear from PvE that has vers on it. I also understand vers is a decent state for some classes. The problem is why is one boosting acceptable over another? Both offer unique titles and mounts.

The scooby-doo villain is finally unmasked :clown_face: Hope you don’t try to put any other unknowing players down in the future. GG


You have no credibility. You should have stuck with the super specific alibi that you played with your glad guild mage/hpal and just kept refusing to link their characters :rofl:


I highly doubt you can play without boosts to 1800. No one else that does arena believes you either.

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Humm I don’t see the relevancy to my post, but yeah. I guess this is part of another problem?

Yeah, think of all of the money you could save to buy PvE boosts if you didn’t have to get PvP boosts.

Lmao this is how ik you’re seething, cling to w/e you can cling to man.

Nah, he promises he was good before the boost. It’s not like he has a history of lying in this thread.

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And you have a 10 year history and you’re still stuck in 1970, unlucky.

Yes, I’m way hard stuck. Link me your boost website.

I know you are seething because I exposed you for a fraud.

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About a game mode that means nothing to me? Lmao. You’re delusional, enjoy your next 10 years at 2k rating, cause if it hasn’t changed yet, I don’t think its changing in the next 10.

Then why pay non garbage players to carry you?

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You have the reading comprehension of what I’d expect from a 10 year pvper at 1970.

You don’t even know what it takes to hit 2k. You are a fraud and have been exposed as such. Git gud.

Edit: To be fair you do know one way to 2k. Pay non trash can players to carry you.

Ban them harder.

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I think anyone can get 2k if they put 10 years in man.

Anyone but you.

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I haven’t played wow for 10 years tho, yet alone pvp for 10 years, god idk how you’d stand it.