Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

I too can name a character dfgvbh or hit ‘randomize’ and then try to belittle someone else for their name that doesn’t use special characters.

It’s also weird to come at me when you have a character named after a vegetable on a Pandaren…

Wasnʻt belittling anyone, unless you felt belittled because it fit or something

Yes! my Warrior! Bok Choy! I like him! but the plate armor looks so weird

Alright dude, you go ahead and keep giving your characters racist trope names.

You haven’t been following their financial statement have you?
Out of the 3 major segment Blizzard is the worst performing one (still a good performance just not as much as Activision and King).
Blizzard operating income in 2020 was 693 million…
The hit you referencing means quite literally nothing.
Quite frankly they probably already factored that in their decision and found it to be inconsequential to the benefits.
As any decision only the future will tell us if they were right to do it but to suggest that they will regret their decision with such an amount is a vast overestimation of what they actually changed with the new policy.

I agree with you on one thing though, they should have just created a channel in major city for boosting and ban all boosting announcement in Trade chat.
Said channel would have to be disabled by default IMO.

Why is it that everyone who makes this type of claim has their profile hidden zero logs and zero raid achieves beyond lfr?

There will always be a work around. ALWAYS

This move will kill profit. No more incentive to buy tokens to p2w. Those that bought game time through carrying may let time run out and not resub. All in all, the game will decline.

Even this cross faction stuff is a jumping the shark moment. Numbers declining, hey lets enable xfaction.

To those saying getting a guild to do instances, etc, you realize that with the advent of LFR/LFG led to where we are today? The sense of ‘community’ y’all talk about was DoA the second those were exercised.

skeleton crew of devs and gms are hired from india to pay subpar salaries and covering the whole region this is why you never get a straight answer and most of the time are scripted answers in the rare case the answer is not scripted ( takes 6 to 8 days to get a reply), its broken english .

Way off the mark.

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Wha does “pay to win” even mean? How do you “win” in WoW? Anyone who says p2w is just a bad player.

Nobody “wins” in WoW because that is measured in a million different ways.

With that being said, I think buying PvP gladiator boosts and such SHOULD be banned because that has adverse effects on other players. Everything else has literally no impact on any other player. Who cares if someone buys CE or KSM? Only jealous players who can’t acquire it themselves and don’t have gold to buy it.

I’d be fine with that if they remove the seasonal exclusive rewards from PvP. PvPers can’t have it both ways, you can’t not have people boost and also have unique transmogs that aren’t obtainable after a season.

Quite frankly that’s how it should be anyway, a raiders content loop is progression into farm. A M+ers content loop is pushing keys, a pvpers content loop is arena/bgs, transmog is the casuals content loop and shouldn’t be locked away from them in modes that aren’t meant for them.

A cabbage (BokChoy) is racist?

Now I have offended the vegetables?
Bad cow! bad cow!

OMG I called myself a cow!! is that racist too?? I am so confused.

:stuck_out_tongue: I have no idea why you went straight to “Racist” but whatever.

I found it amusing you would call someone out on their name, as though they didn’t put any real thought into it, while yours is not all that much better. I mean I get it, you are a worgen you have paws I suppose?

Hmmm do worgen call thier hands “paws” or just their feet?
never thought about it much before…

Anywhooz sorry you felt you had to raise your hackles
(Haha, dog joke)

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Maybe I wasn’t too clear. I don’t care if there are boosters. I don’t care about p2w, I’ve played plenty of Korean mmos that were considered p2w. Even in PvP, who cares about glad titles and mounts.

I can get carried though CE or KSM and use that gear in wpvp or unrated pvp and be powerful. Does it matter if I have rating if my CE gear has vers vs a toon in unrated pvp gear 10-15 ilvls lower?

Naming your pandaren character after a chinese cabbage, is akin to naming it something like “Chingchong” Glad to educate you why that’s wrong.

My name doesn’t have special characters in it. It’s also an actual character name, and not randomly generated or a racist trope. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

lol ban them all… even the players who boost


Mythic gear is for the most part useless in pvp since it isn’t versa stacked occasional exceptions being end boss weapons.

You cannot really compare PvP content to M+ or Raids because those get updated every xpac and/ or patch. What they get are seasonal exclusive rewards since they don’t really get new content. Transmog is not inherently casual content loop, transmog is something that all players can do. It is one of the few forms of evergreen content the game has.

Taking something away from PvPers, that already get so little, because you cannot easily boost for it is just wrong. And I hate pvp and would love some of those transmogs but since I don’t do the content I don’t get the reward. Those are the breaks.

That’s cope. M+ has very little that’s new to it tier to tier, it hardly plays any different in season 1 than it did in season 2. We get 1 “class” set a patch, with 6 recolors, of which only 2 have special effects (mythic/elite), Blizzard does not create enough transmog content to justify giving PvPers an exclusive set colour that can never be earned again. I’m not saying they should instantly get it, keep it at elite just make it buyable in the next expansion so those who got it that season can continue to use it until the end of the expansion. Locking it away forever is beyond wasteful when we already get so little sets to work with.

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to the OP… don’t break the rules and they won’t ban you all .
game did finer before these vultures started trying to make a living off of someone else’s game and customers. game will be better without the ‘Booster community’s’ … and don’t let that door catch anything sensitive as you egress.

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Then ask for more. Professions are just rotting and all of them could have transmog sets added to them. Or they could make cosmetic options that drop in BGs that pvpers could sell. Transmogs are not content, they are rewards. The issue is that Blizzard is not putting in the effort to expand out the variety of gear we get. Now we have to squabble over what little scraps we get.

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you play the werewolf class FAIL

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