Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

Oh you’re an angry furry now aren’t you, keep it up and I wont take you for your walk young pup…


Wow I can’t believe they actually are doing this. To bad they’re about (Depending on the type of player you are.) 2 or 15 year’s to late. If only they did this stuff when Classic Vanilla was kicking early on. Eh it is what it is. They’ve always been lazy going after RMT I doubt much will change with that. Seems they just want to tidy things up a bit over all though, this now will hurt the game.

I myself hate boosting thing it mortally wounded the game. That said, if you remove it now you’ll probably kill a lot of incomming players. Most people i know will for the love of god not level another alt unless they boost it. They’ve done it don’t care for it etc. They just want the endgame.

I can’t speak for retail As i don’t understand how most of it is that fun outside of the hardcore raiding since… Cata But you do you. If you’re talkin’ about the whole Journy vibe, that died out long ago. WoW Has not and will not get a large % Of new player with Retail.

One of the shocking things for me was how many new people did play classic. I’m sure we’ll get some with WOTLK when that comes out but it won’t be alot. All this does is hurt people who are lazy and want to pay to skip content they don’t enjoy. Most people who do boosting have done all of the content already and want to get to that point because having a main in WoW ATM is pointless. I.E why get skilled at This classic when X class is always better for this amount of time, hope the buff sticks hits me outa what? 8 other classes? Eh most of the hardcore end game crowd will just max all toons and boost the mains they want to swap too.

Casuals will also get a ton of alts to end game and just do whatever they will with em.

In the end if they did this MUCH MUCH sooner it would of helped. Now it just hurts. You’re telling me if you log into retail right now and level you’ll meet new and fun as heck people to tackle end game content with? This isn’t classic or BC etc. People just want to look at guides and be NPCS. Most people are just gonna farm X spot or LFG to max level content with people they already know.

All this does is hurt the peoples mates who want to catch up to them but don’t care or want to do enough of the grind.

Mind you this comes from someone WHO HATES boosting and back on the P server day’s i was big on shutting those boy’s and girls out way before Blizzard wanted to get us classic servers. Times changes i suppose.

For like the 20th time, I spammed 2s to gear the char, and then swapped to 3s once it had a full conq set, what part of this do you not grasp.

You are insane.

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Yeah covlol? I was just stating how things looked, so I guess it never could’ve been an ad-hom…

Go get angry because you can’t even afford a decent set up, streaming for years with nothing to show for it.

Further luls

Now he is walking back his confession. This is amazing.

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100% gold i’m dying :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Problem is, I provided evidence to the contrary.

Haha you reaching for straws buddy. Keep it coming.


The part where you skip the entire learning process of arena (3s specifically) and go straight to 2400. I can’t reconcile that. Good players in here like Amatox and Covlol can grab a new class and do this. How did you do it so fast from scratch?

Every player I have ever talked to says the same thing, it takes THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of games to get to that point.

self play= swiped credit card nice try though :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


bro he’s just the next AWC competitor :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Nope? No cam, because you couldn’t self-play. Had to have someone else carry for the end.

Sorry the people you ran with already admitted to carrying you - and you even admitted to it. :wink:

It’s funny you’ve been on skillcapped since 2010 - a known website that would sell such things…

Wait a minute, did we all agree that those videos were doctored? I thought they were skirms vs crisis actors as enemy team.

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You really think that banning this will bring folks back to the already lack luster of a game I highly doubt that. Only way for that to happen is if they make a decent expansion not loaded with systems.

Can we all agree the arena forums needs Cabo to come tell this tale? Need to watch his origin story unfold over there.

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Man I keep telling you I don’t care about pvp, why would I go to a forum specifically for pvp.

You cared enough to pay for 2400. Heck, I can make a case you care the most.


he wanted the tabard so bad he swiped his credit card


Is that what no cam meant? I just thought I’d spare my occasional couple viewers my extremely goofy and overly animated eyebrows.

Funny enough if you ask Alcoric, the disc I mostly play with and in 3 of the clips, he would say this rofl.

I’ve been on there since 2010, holy cow my bank account!

Agreed totally.

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