Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

Yea, it does look like you were self played in 3s though bud. Sorry but have to call what I’m seeing.


Playing an mmo to get boosted instead of actually playing the game as it’s meant to be played. You’re toxic bro

I can coach you if you want btw, takes like 10mins of looking at logs to fix the most common mistakes for a class. Just gotta know how to use the compare feature.

You’re literally here in this thread because your friends linked it to you because they were losing an online discussion. Ad-hom all you want, just proves I struck a nerve. Only people that got boosted are so insistent someone else got boosted.

i don’t think anyone linked this to cov i’ve never played with him but i know of him

They did, just like Spirits linked you to this thread beforehand. Then one of them linked to Amatox. Simple as.

No thank you man, I have no interest in raiding.

Why do you think this?

Nothing I have said is Ad-hom, I have provided the exact reasons for why things look the way they do.

Weird, that seems like


spirit didn’t link this to me? he told me about a boosted warlock so i looked him up and look at that! man got 2400 faster than some R1’s and btw amaros found this of his on volition

So players who need gear will group up with others who also need gear? Wouldn’t this essentially allow more in-game interactions with your fellow gamers instead of a paid service?



So why is Pawzer simping so hard I wonder? (Rhetorical question)


You did, you attacked the person instead of the argument.

Go get angry at things you don’t understand more, keep it up. The PvP community acts like this towards other people and then wonders why PvP gets benched every expansion with lower participation. :wink:

Sweet, we already knew this. Thanks for rating shaming me and then finally confessing.

if blizzard made the game better like enabling lfg for hc m and m + there would be no need for boosting .

there we goo!!!

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Nah, ya’ll are just using specific words to try to confuse them that YOU know of because you got boosted.

Fyi Cabo, when people that got boosted talk about ‘self played’ they mean they got boosted while playing their own character - not account sharing like Covlol did and having someone else play your character. Which is common in PvP, because people like Covlol can’t hit that rating even being carried by high ranked people.

Where was the attack, I literally said what things looked like. In fact, I was the only one to not accuse of a payment as I was not about to assume anything. Just stating the way things looked.

Ahh, the typical assumption performed by one who has nothing left to offer to the discussion/argument.

Covlol - 1 Moon Guard Furry - 0.

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This is true. Someone on arena forums was asking for coaching and I mentioned the Warlock poster (Warrior player) here that was bragging about being 1500-2400 in 5 weeks of arena with no other character above 1800.

I’ve refuted that like 5 times now btw

dude got the Guinness world record for zero to hero

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Is that why you have a 48% win rate in 2s at 1813?