Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

I’m aware, considering you accused someone of being ‘boosted’ but their parses are far better than yours on that same class. You and Spirits have that in common, pushing arguments that self-defeat you.

Bro not everyone has guildmates that can carry ya, because boosting its done with or without gold, imagine trying to pug a normal i remember back in nathria you couldnt even do a normal consistently out of 10 normals maybe you could achieve 1 boss and then the team would fall apart after 2 wipes because noone knew or cared enough learning mechanics .
pugging is terrible , how come they remove boosting yet dont bring a solution enabling lfg for hc and mythic and m +

you should check out the arena parse! dude is better than the .1% of the ladder

Still apparently better than you and spirits, which is weird given your claims.

i hear ya. I would actually like to see the LFG tool improved so that we can include M+ and mythic. I even had a suggestion on how they could alter the “roles” to make things fit better…

maybe i’ll re-post it now that this is a relevant topic again. overall, i’m not a fan of boosting really, but i can understand why people engage in it from an RP stance too.

I fixed your title for you.


So he was self played as warrior/mage/x (the literal easiest warrior comp there is) with a just above 50/50 win rate at 200 games? Yea his “friends” must of had some serious MMR to inject into him. Wonder what the buddy discount is now a days.

Is it more serious if coming from someone like myself instead?


why don’t you two just duel outside Stormwind gates (to the death ofc :skull_and_crossbones:), and that’ll settle who’s right. I can ref for you guys :revolving_hearts:

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i can’t prove any claims of pve boosting but the arena boosting is apparent and obvious

I like how you claim to be a god tier arena player and you can’t tell if someone if clearly boosted. I’m 100% sure you are an LFR caliber player until you can prove otherwise. Beat it.

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that’s that i’m saying!

Nah ban ‘em, silence ‘em, get them out

They are leeches on the backs of regular players and reduce the pressure for bliz to adjust broken systems

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Did I mention he raids? Mythics I hear too. That probably explains why arena is so easy for him.

Good. Your kind aren’t wanted here and only serve to artificially inflate the barrier to entry on public groups

Watch it, he is a European arena god. He says.

Nope, because going by your friends - you’ve only bought such things. :wink: They even linked you straight to this thread - hence you replying to their post and not anything in this thread.

Pretty funny, considering your parses. Even Covlol’s parses - From NORMAL raid are poor. :wink:

But hey, you can keep posting this thread to your friends to try to get more on your side. It’s cute.

I will not speak on that as I am NOT a mythic raider, even when I do dabble in raiding its only heroic (as my schedule is far too insane with the little ones) and only with friends as I enjoy a much more casual atmosphere.

i think u misunderstand, we are shaming cabo for purchasing an arena boost

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Oh so you didn’t notice,

Where I literally call out exactly why it looks like a self play, which obviously meant I looked into it myself since I didn’t just come in here screaming “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOST!!!”.

Is this your friend or something, you seem to be very defensive for him.

Haha! I didn’t even know I had parses, dang me trying to cop a tmog real quick…

Sort of. This all started with him trying to rating shame me. Then I dug into it, then more competent people dug into and here we are.

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