Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

Sooo about that comment of yours, while boosting itself wasn’t banned the communities just had a celestial middle finger descend from the sky and slap them in the face.

Don’t see what the big deal is here. So what if some boosted clown is running around in Rival I gear? How does that hurt 2400 players exactly? It doesn’t… The boosted player still SUCKS and will be insta-kicked from RBG groups etc etc; he’s just happy he has a little better gear on while dying 15 times in a random bg.

Same goes for M+ boosts, you bring a casual threw a few 15s and get him a couple of pieces, his IO is still going to suck and he won’t be invited to any high end M+ groups so what’s the big deal here? Some people are business professionals irl who can only play the game 4 - 5 hours a week and don’t live on here.

Just make an M+/boost chat to keep all the spam garbage out of trade chat and move on.


I thought 2100s were too low elo to be able to dodge people? What’s happening here man, you gonna respond or not.

That’s why you link raid logs the second they were asked for but you refuse to expose the guys you bought a boost from.

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??? What is reading comprehension.

Sargeras stocks going up :wink:

wtf are you talking about? you got exposed for purchasing a boost get over it


i agree with you i think subs will drop as well alot of good players i play with depended on the boosting services not for the gear but to provide boosts for gold to play and there are alot of people who will not be able to resub due to the ban


that will change the economy around BoEs mate. If people cant boost the gold flowing and demand will start dropping. Maybe even the whole raiding will change the way its being played. And judging from the world race people, they already said whats wrong. Im sure they are listening to that after making a change like this and adding cross faction

we can’t afford them remember :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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This is the most insane denial I have ever seen. Open and shut case. Oh yeah, did he ever link the prices? I need to go to a pay day loan place to get the money for one of theses since he says I can’t afford them.

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This is the most copium I have ever seen. Open and shut case.

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I don’t understand why you’re even engaging with this forum troll still. It’s obvious he’s just super insecure and isn’t arguing with reason and logic. He is simply trying to outlast you because in his mind getting last word equates to “winning”.

Good decision.

i mean the proof lol he’s either the next AWC winner or boosted

I heard Mud is watching his streams to get ahead of the pack.

The proof is there in a month when I still have the tabard. Cope more.

honestly he needs too! have you seen how fast and few games this guy climbed???

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When you describe your very unlikely scenario, and the proof can be easily provided and verifiable, the most likely reason you fail to answer is because you are lying.

Who cares, we know you bought a 2.4 boost since you got the rating, and havnt played a single game since.(Arenmate would log it) Not to mention the fact that anyone capable of reaching 2.4 legitimately, would not be sub 50% win/loss at 1800 on arguably the most OP dps spec in the game(arms warrior).

I won’t comment again. Don’t use your bought achievement to try to belittle others in-game or outside it again.


Can we change thread title to read “Cabo’s 3s Boost for Gold and Subsequent Denial of Said Boost”?

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