Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

It really happened THANK YOU BLIZZARD, what an absolute mad lad. Fk the boosting mentality, learn to make groups, interact with other people ENJOY THE RAID AND THE GAME. A step forward into resurrecting pugs.

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it’s also fishy he has CE and only has 6 logged kills in the raid i mean yeah his guild is 10/10 but he wasn’t in for any other kill or even in progression logs

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That’s true, but it doesn’t mean you have to stop asking for it either :slight_smile:

I joined this guild this tier, its a friends guild. My last guild (also famed CE) died cause the rl/gm had to quit for irl stuff. You can see my many kills for last tier as well bud.

Don’t know who this Cabo guy is, but a 51% w/l with a small amount of games played at just 2.4 screams that you were at the very least being self played by far superior teammates. Whether you payed for it or not remains to he seen.

It is funny when an obvious selfplay tries to rating shame though.


Also this is clearly an alt? What do you mean it only has 6 kills, the character has famed bane title equipped yet doesn’t have a kill on sylvanas, do you really need that spelled out.

I wonder if Blizzard is trying to purposefully kill raiding or something

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then what’s ur mains name and server id love to see ur logs

At this point I assume this guy buys everything and to make himself feel better about said purchases he floats frequently about them. LFR quality player, full stop. He hasn’t even tried to talk about his parses or anything.

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how is it kill raiding, when killing the boosters is resurrecting the pug raiding ? lol

Cope more.

Dude, are you on drugs? Yes there has been boosting but never at this level. Everyone that loves this game wanted this ban to happen and now it has so we’re all rejoicing. Im sorry (not really) that you pleb casuals cant get what you want. I can really only play 2-3 days a week and even I wanted this to happen.


That is simply not true. As we’ve seen in expansions past, the community will subdivide itself and exclude people that a clique determines aren’t immediately desirable. We even had addons to accomplish this purpose in the past.

Furthermore, these subdivisions would exclude you even if you had no reputation whatsoever, a “new” player. You would be stuck for hours, days, weeks, trying to find groups that would give you any chance at all. It would be hard to find desire to keep playing. I know, because I was in that situation multiple times - having no record.

Boosters enabled those players to see the content period. It allowed them to see how the fights worked first hand, though often they would be set in manners that would prevent them from harming the group. There was no requirement or community filtering beyond “gold”.

The idea that the removal of boosters will cause a sudden influx of more available groups is at best wishful thinking. It is a fallacy, and generally false. I am a booster, who would run 3-4 raids a week and I will not be attending your pugs. Anytime I was attending your pugs, was to gear an alt I needed for more boosting. Without boosting, I will not be gearing those alts, and I thusly will not be coming to your raids. Why would I be doing content I don’t need? Furthermore, pugging with you guys is awful. So incredibly toxic even compared to boosting communities that blacklist you for an entire tier on your third mistake.

Thinking boosters will attend your pugs once we’re not allowed to boost is simply put - empirically false.


Uh Cabo, it looks like another real arena player showed up. I suggest you abandon thread.

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I’ve been playing this game since it launched don’t presume you speak for everyone who loves the game it’s the absolute height of arrogance

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Weird you asked for logs then dodged again when linked. Like the 20th time this has happened lmao, you ask for something, I link it, then you dodge and go to the next thing.

his pareses on his “Alt” are insane

They’re really not that impressive, they’re pretty avg for a guild like mine.

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Hey, speaking of dodging, who did you play 3s with? You never answered.

He claims to have played WMPala

Edit: Rolf he links logs immediately but won’t tell us who he did 3s with.

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It’s so weird they add cross faction which raiders have begged for and kill boosting at the same time lols.

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