Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!


Also, your entire account is questionable at this point. Im pretty sure you are an LFR quality player.


100% purchased boosts


The irony of you saying that lmao

Weird cause you’re back to 1971 with 400 games played, what’s up with that.

Guess what? I had a 2700 3s player add me yesterday from doing arena with me. Im sure he adds so many scrubs. Your only experience with players like that are purchasing boosts.

So you’re going to get boosted, you’ve just admitted it, and you’re still crusading against it. Man the mental gymnastics are off the charts.

I lost 5 of my last 6 games. It happens. If you ever pvp on your own you will lose sometimes. I know this concept is foreign to boost buyers.

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That’s a pretty far tumble from 2100 friend.

This feels really bad. The number of people that are popping off with the trade chat argument is appalling. You actually hang out in capital cities long enough to notice and/or care? Are we not playing the same game?

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When you put the ability to buy trade currency (Gold) that can be used to buy things from other players, sanctioned by the devs and boosting together, you foster will a culture that could or will be harmful to the integrity of the game.

In terms of pugs, my participation in them since BFA has dropped as I started to see the side effects of the booster culture, reasons like this could be seen in those people is how they play the game, like dying to the most simplistic mechanic you can think of or lacking the knowledge of their spec.

To add on to this, why even pay for the game (and the expansion) if you are knowingly going to skip the content you paid for and try to brag that you “earned” them even though you put no effort into earning those said rewards?


The warlock getting exposed, denying it in the face of overwhelming evidence, to just finally admitting it and calling PVP a side-game. Is this a serial killer doc?


Where did I admit it?

Jesus lol. No, i healed a Spriest a couple days ago and went 12-4. Had a good session (just starting resto shaman) and he asked to add. I looked him up after and he was 2689 max xp in 3s.

This isn’t an uncommon occurrence in arena if you perform well enough.

But then why are you 1971 if you perform well enough. You were at like 2100+ according to what you said earlier. That’s way more than 5 losses.

are you serious?!?


Too bad we would need healthy servers for “Traditional Boosting” to even be an equally based availability in game. So, small servers are probably SOL which will just encourage people buy transfers (so there is a money making aspect) for the potential to make gold as part of a larger guild, or buy services. Or, people may just make alts on servers that have guilds able to boost just to buy tokens so they can pay for it. We don’t have healthy servers for any aspect of this so I guess in communist russia you PLAY THE WAY WE WANT YOU TO PLAY BECAUSE IF I DO IT ONE WAY YOU HAVE TO DO IT TOO CAUSE MORALS AND I EARNED THAT MOUNT AND
 jesus people. Stop worrying so much about what other people do and why they do it. Not everyone has to die on the same hill you choose to stand on and value is personally determined so keep your opinion, let others have their own. In the end we can all be wrong and still have fun.

The main issue most people had (outside of arena boosts; that was obnoxious) was the spam. Could have just outlawed the advertising anywhere outside of these official forums and given it a place where bliz authorized communities could thrive and be found by players. The game didn’t just get more fun, it just had a lot more reasons for some people to not play. The sad fact is boosting communities created more player interactions whether connecting boosting teams, protecting purchasers from scams, introverted boostees having people to play with (sadge buying friendship for 30 minutes), it all filled the content void we’ve suffered through two expansions with. This created an actual community with thousands of people working together, pushing their own IOs, forming their own raids, along with helping others in exchange for in-game currency. There was nothing wrong with that and you can’t convince me otherwise. It’s no worse than Bliz selling tokens under the justification “well it’s better than you buying gold from someone else”.

Bliz failed to nurture a healthy community with productive gameplay experiences and, while RMT was an issue in some boosting communities, boosting itself did not ruin this game. That’s obviously something Bliz at least understands because it isn’t actually being banned, only how it is done and I still feel the state of servers will just create a larger disparity. Stop demonizing something that was player controlled when several measures could have been implemented by Bliz long before now that would have prevented it ever being a necessity.


Because one is 2s and one is 3s. I met a Warlock and we went over 2k in 3s trying to run L$D but we couldn’t find a Resto Druid. We grabbed a holy priest and neither of them ran the comp before. We did well.

Next session new healer (holy priest) and it was bad and the next session was a new holy priest and it went bad. You have bad sessions, that doesn’t mean you quit.

Rating ebbs and flows. Do some arena without a boost and you will find this out.

As to your other elementary query, there are 3 brackets. 2s, 3s and RBGs.

I never said I was 2100 in anything arena related. You just don’t know what you are talking about, which is obvious to anyone that has played arenas.

his only XP is from wiping out his credit card


You don’t have to, we all know what you did. In fact, I’m rather fond of watching you think you are fooling people with this primitive excuses.

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Then too bad! Just because you want something doesn’t mean you should get it. This mindset is why mmo’s suck nowadays.