Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

And in fact the economy is in the crapper when there’s so few mats on the AH that one person can turn an entire market on its head overnight.

No it wouldn’t, you’re being dramatic.

Getting rid of boosting communities isn’t getting rid of boosting itself. Guilds would still be able to sell boosts, and players would still be able to search for them, however large ‘communities’ that exist on multiple realms and advertise constantly for said community would get hit with the banhammer.

Here’s another thing it’s not going to do by the way…

It’s not going to change the economy. The price of legendary runic vessels isn’t going to drop because boosting communities get hit with the banhammer. It’s going to stay exactly the same way it is now.


the way it will affect the economy is on small servers that have guilds and boosters that sell their services,

Without that influx of gold I don’t know how its going to go.
Guilds will have to move to bigger servers and leave their main server just to stay competitive and not break TOS rules which will mean they are likely to have even more dead or low pop servers

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they gutted boxing finally.
they’ll get around to this sooner or later.

Better than banning something like that, they could change how queuing in mythic dungeons work so that people would feel more comfortable doing it themselves from the beginning and everybody always on the same page and not feeling pressured. Throw it in group finder. Have both options available to queue and sign up. I think people would enjoy it more at the start that way.


I don’t understand this, can you give us an example

Problem isn’t the boosting community to be honest .

The problem is the fact that there are people that want to be boosted.

I personally don’t do gold carries or spend gold to be carried so it honestly doesn’t affect me but to be angry and saying people should be banned for offering a service that people ask for is ludicrous.

Boosters didn’t create the demand or the problem , they created the best possible solution under what Blizz allows .


I actually appreciate this take on the situation

What needs banning is people who think they’re important enough to start a bunch of nothing threads on this forum every day. Literally nothing threads.


im ok with boostin communities honestly have you tried doing high end content or progress without being 24/7 in the game or without a full 10 friends to do content with .
some of us have jobs , unis , family , gf to deal with .
hell there are some people that still dont understand that consumption requires u to wait for certain stacks to kill it, most people out there are super casuals that wont even care about reading mechanics or learning dungeons .
id rather pay some gold and get the unfun content out of the way, because honestly the content is not even fun , same old same old recyled models , mechanics .
Maybe if lfg had HC and M+ and M queues but that aint happening.


Playing the game isn’t fun…

Why are you here?


I agree with getting rid of sellers. Back in legion, I could pug high keys with 99% success rates. Now in SL, I see people with high ilvls and high scores but are clearly carried to those levels as they die to every mechanic, and pull zero dps…

It has largly ruined pugging for me this expansion.


The main problem with boosting communities is by far the trade chat spam. Boosting will always be a thing, and to be honest having a community that does it, helps keep players from being scammed. Not saying we cant be scammed by the community, just saying it’ll be easier & safer for players as a whole if there’s a legitimate option for them.

They need a separate channel to spam. Like the LFG channel.

Raid logger, in his shining armor, looking puzzled at the herb node…
Newb runs by, seeing the slicked out player, opens up a whisper… “you have to right click on it”.

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what i find funny is atacking boosting communities while AH bots , mat bots are running rampant , everyone knows warden is a joke and when they release certain numbers regarding bans is a bloody PR stunt to appease the players .
Id rather see them doing something about bots , implementing hardware ban.


I don’t understand the reasoning behind the possibility of banning boosting communities. DON’T DO IT. It allows players to keep up with their friends when they don’t have the same time, it makes Blizzard a ton of money in WoW Token sales. If people don’t like the trade chat spam, then just leave/disable trade chat? Banning boosting definitely will NOT stop the RMT posts from random websites. I’ve reported more of those than I can count. It seems like Blizzard did something to try to stop “WTS” spam in pre-mades, and when that didn’t work, they are looking at gold boosters instead of the RMT people that are causing the issue in the first place.

That channel IS the separate channel.

This. Absolutely this.

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I know it’s there. That was more or less my point. Trade chat isn’t the place for it.

But that’s literally what the channel was FOR. Buying or selling. TRADE chat? I am missing your point.