Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

I’d mail you ingame when the season ends and I still have the tabard, but you have an alt code (what a coincidence that you’re also stuck 2100)

I can promise you Felwaffle is a better PvPer than you are. The arrogance to think buying a boost entitles you to belittle your betters is appalling.

What an absolute embarrassment.

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How about just get your friends to help get you up to speed like we always did in the past?

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Nooo you can’t treat pvp like the joke of a sidegame that it is, its serious content!!! He demands your respect!!!

Play a real pvp game like league or dota or cs.

yeah but i mean i’ll have actually achieved my rating stuck or not while you forked up the visa, how does it feel knowing you haven’t really achieved anything? and LUL tabard?!?! what is this 2008 nobody gets 2400 for an ugly tabard let’s be real :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I do and did. How does it feel that it was my 5th sidegoal of the tier/season to get and I did. While you’re stuck in that rank.

dude ur credit card is the real MVP that’s a lot of swiping


Cope and seethe at the same time, that’s impressive.

See, here we arrive at the crux of the issue. You bought a boost, its extremely obvious. For what ever reason, clout, the tabard that looks like it was drawn in crayon, or whatever. It’s obvious, you might be doing mental gymnastics trying to make it less obvious, but it sticks.

You think you are better than people. Off the back of something that you didn’t really earn, yeah you sat there and listened to the KT of the R1s carrying you, hit some mortal strikes and collected rating. Looking down at a dude just q’ing games improving at 2K. This is the issue with boosting, and a big reason public data for arenas, RBGs and Raids should exist, it is already collected and the API is already primed. Just drop it. So that we can vet folks like you, who just blatantly lie over pixels in a video game that they couldn’t achieve themselves.

Welcome to the top 2% of the Arena base, I’d say I’d see you in-game, but you’ll surely not que that character again without paying the man.

Also: I was that kid drooling on himself getting AOTC in WoTLK/Cata at 10 years old. PVE isn’t hard, and after 8 months you have no excuse for not full clearing content that doesn’t change week to week.


Side game? Then why was it so important to buy a boost?


Huokan will probably still keep doing boosts via their Discord.

cope and seethe? why would i be mad it’s hilarious when a credit card andy thinks achievements he paid for actually mean anything :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


LOL HAXXORS HE IS COPIUMING the wart lock is copiumes

OH nooooo!!

Please Blizzard, thank of the players that don’t actually want to play your game but pay other people to carry them through it!

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I think it’s funny that it’s okay for guilds to still do boosting, just not boosting communities. So, boosting will still be a thing. It just won’t be the plague that it is now.

It’s so cute seeing you put value into an achievement that can be boosted. You’re literally defending a cause that invalidates achievement and effort, and yet acting like linking CE means something lmao.

I don’t have CE but I could buy a handful of WoW tokens to get CE. Does that mean I’m a good player? And how do I know who earned it or boosted it. How do we know you didn’t pay for it?

What a joke. Perma ban all boosters please. It invalidates achievements. Make people earn it. Even me.


When its side content I’m doing for fun after I’m done with prog? Yeah I will. These people are the equivalent of 6/10m raiders, who’ve been at it for like 5-10 years. Why would I not look down at them? They make me do their content that I honestly have 0 desire to do, all because Blizz caters to the pvp community with giving them exclusive seasonal xmog rewards, something that a very small if at all amount of mythic raiders would ever ask for. Of course I’m gonna laugh at them. They’re toiling away to be stuck in a horrendous rank, playing stuff that is wildly unbalanced and think it amounts to skill because they learned how to play RMP or w/e flavour of the month. Playing a side game of the main game, all while having pretentious attitudes, much like yours with the dragonslayer andy comments. You think you’re without flaws? This change does nothing to stop the vast majority of boosts btw, both pve and pvp. It probably stops people like me from boosting raid/key/lvl sales but I don’t think it affects the overall demand/market.

Because you aren’t very good?

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I’m better than you bro, don’t believe it if you want but I promise you I surpassed 1971 without buying a boost.