Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

He’s 6/10 after 7 months.

There’s a lot of folks here that were FC Firelands slobbering on themselves at 12 years old.

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i’m out of likes otherwise that would b a like from me :rofl:


I play with friends we just help others who have gold and want to spend it for stuff. I believe both our opinions are equally valid

Just gonna point out no I dont have an issue at all with raider io. 2nd I dont determine it blizz did.

Only off on weekends and work nights so only puffed. Also main swapped so this toons been mostly inactive for a month or so til rescently and as my guild raids weekday nights I’m mostly just in it because I have no place to go. Not enough current activity in wow to make looking viable and to be fair finding a morning weekend US server that mythic raids and needs a hunter lol. Yeah I’d have better luck winning the lotto.
I don’t do 20s because it doesn’t offer anything of interest.

I would like to care and id like to have interest in doing those things but when people can just hop onto a carry well I am where I am because the pickings are slim for my work schedule.

It is what it is. I care because I want the game to be successful again. But ive only been here since tbc and never boosted nor taken part in boosting. In the end blizz made the call. I dont have to do the top of the top to have an opinion so why do you care about a random persin on the internets opinion. The assumption of Rio though a nice attempt fell flat. But as the saying of assuming goes.

Except he’s been playing since season 14 according to his feats of str, so that doesn’t quite hold up.

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Where those character names at?

Banning the communities is fine. They basically only exist to launder gold anyways. Selling boosts existed before the communities and they will exist after them. Only difference is we dont have the bots spamming 24/7 and weaseling into every facet of the game to advertise. Good riddance.

Mind you I have in many iterations done boosting in challenge modes, pvp, raids ect. I’ve made a lot of money off of it. However I have never liked the communities because it has only ever been so people can gold sell. Gallywix community had more than enough evidence to prove that and these new ones are no different.

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I was gonna say that earlier tbh. I wish this guy would participate in the arena forums. I’d buy his next boost if he would make a thread in there.

I actually enjoy how he thinks raiding is in any way as hard as arena. Like…that is a huge red flag too.

You know in psychology you learn that the brain doesnt understand ‘‘Not’’ so you should change the way you wrote thing cause all they gonna see is Ban boosthing comunities. And I agree they’re so annoying

what were the names of the people you played with?

Don’t act like you can afford them lmao.

Agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment. These communities exist because not everyone has a community of high-end gamers that they are a part of to help them complete content. Participation for M+ and raids is absolutely abysmal because of the content drought that Blizzard created, and the only way for people to get achievements or progress on alts right now is to either get extremely lucky or pay for boosting services.

I’m honestly questioning if I even want to play this game anymore now.


Im a P6 scheduler. Im positive I can pay for a boost for you.

bro u left to many bread crumbs it’s really obvious, you were boosted and you just admitted itv​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Imagine taking that as an admission lmao, what do you expect from people who think someone has 5 weeks of pvp exp but also knows about random websites that track it.

All you do is say you had noble intentions to help players. Typically someone so humble and noble wouldn’t consider selling a service as an example of being caring towards others.

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One guy was Americanexpress and the other was Visa. I think Visa had an alt code. Don’t remember the servers.

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A very valid opinion to hold, I dont fault it

The community is going to grow in a 2 year content drought because they banned boosting? Nope…it’s going to die even more. Good luck leveling and gearing any alts now lol.


this is an admission of guilt :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: