Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

Pro tip: No one cares what the size of your bank account is.

This guy would be excoriated in the arena forums. Like thread of the year worthy.

It’s gonna sting for you when I still have the tabard when the season ends.

i mean that’s probably why he hasn’t been around in the arena forums didn’t want to get called out and shamed for buying a boost


idk but your guild doesn’t look like you had too many glad candidates to play with.


You are making a fool of yourself.

Dudes grinding Qs, and learning the game. Let’s see that glad push, you’ll be down at his CR shortly.

not really the only cool reward is the glad mount even the 2.1 enchant sucks tabards havnt really been cool for awhile now

Nah, I did some arena in MoP and Cata and Wrath. Very little. I wasn’t mentally prepared for arena and the hard conversations you need to have with yourself to improve. It was only this season that I tried and I tried my best. I am very happy with my progress.

Players are very good and much more experienced than me, but I will keep working at it and eventually have real pvp skills. You just keep swiping the credit card and getting graveyard camped in random bgs.

dude no games past 2.4 is sketch


I don’t think he knew it was possible or he would have never opened his mouth in the first place. This is a complete shock to him because he knows nothing of pvp or websites to find info.

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How? PvP isn’t what I play the game for, its literally a chore I’m forced to do each season for the seasonal xmog, I have 0 pride/ego in it. What do I care about people who can only play pvp and only at the rank that’s the equiv of some guy in like a 6/10m guild think of me? It means nothing. I play the game to raid.

everything in game is tracked tho there’s so many 3rd party sites now :rofl::rofl:

Thats how i see it.
But then again IN MY OPINION, guild and a handful of small groups doing this is perfectly fine. The boosting communities were in fact extremely professional and i think it was a big negative to the game as a whole.

Oh snap, we got another arena guy in here. This just gets better and better!

Sigh I’m not going to keep repeating myself. I’ve answered your questions, why do you want me to keep reansweting them? You BELIEVE I dont have noble intentions just because gold is a factor. I understand you holding such an opinion, and I get you think I’m overreacting to this but you’re invalidating my points because you’ve made up your mind about me without meeting me. Keep saying I’m running when I’ve already given you plenty of answers. Surely you can see my side that repeating myself to you is not a good use of my time

Why are you backtracking? So let’s squash this. Drop some char names that you played with.


He raids bro. Mythic raids. So like uh, he’s more than capable of 2400 pushes from cold.


Agreed totally.

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hey man i kinda get what ur saying and i understand you are disabled, wouldn’t it be more fulfilling to make friends and join a guild that will help you as friends and not as customers aka pay pigs?

bro :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: dozer 2.0

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