Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

Glad is currently 50 wins while playing with your personal CR in the elite range/above 2400
2100 is just gear upgrades and weapon enchant

You also have a habit for running away from conversations.

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Glad is 2400 in 3s with 50 wins at that rating. 2400 is its own achievement.

My guess is that he couldn’t afford the full glad carry or he wasn’t good enough to get carried to glad. Or both.

It takes THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of games to get anywhere near that level according to every single person that ever did it.

It would be like this guy just summits Everest without a Sherpa on a whim. Is there maybe 3-4 people in the world that can do it? Sure, but I really doubt it is this guy since he can’t seem to crack 1800 at all.


Again I’ve played for multiple seasons before now, and those characters “stuck” at 1800 have double digits amount of games. Keep grasping for straws tho.

I answered your comments , why would I continue if you’ve already made up your mind? My community shut down and I’m upset about it, I have no idea what you want from me

You’ve played multiple seasons and can’t break 1800? No wonder you bought a boost.

If you make a thread about this on the arena forums I’ll gladly watch you get torched.

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dude u just got publicly outed for being boosted and the Data is there for the public. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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This is the stuff that proves ur seething rn, you won’t accept that I played a char for like 80 games, got it to 1800 for the xmog set, and then stopped playing it. How mad are you man damn. Didn’t realise you being 400 games into 1950s upset you that much dude, mb.

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when you bought ur boost did you forget about the glad achivo and mount for 50 wins above 2400?


Why do you think that offering boosting service means you care about players? In any other situation it’s a simple matter of supply and demand. Yet you act as if for boosting it isn’t the case.

Can you truly care for the player if the only reason you do it is for the gold? Isn’t that just worthless pleasantries you’ve made up because you want to make people feel sympathy for your community?


Idk Fel, breaking 2k in all brackets as my first real arena season as Elemental. Am I bad?

dude went from zero to hero faster than the AWC champions :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I’m so lost on who’s side felwaffle is on lol

not at all!

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I’ve answered you on this, its business. Why? Do you need help on ksm or something?

Wait what?? :mx_claus::mx_claus::mx_claus::mx_claus:

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No. He knew full well that a game over 2400 is tracked and we can see who he played with.

But yeah totally man, a Mythic Andie in their offtime first season’s 2400 in a few weeks in 200 games. While 6 games positive. And doesn’t make an attempt to finish the job, even after having already played 200 games.


You think the only way to make gold is with a mythic sylvanas sale?

This is great news! Plz harpoon all the whales!

I’m both a brand new pvper and also someone who knows all this esoteric stuff about pvp websites. Make up your mind man lmao.

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