Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

Great…now how will i manage to find a group thats organised and will make a fair price for a AOTC raid or something.

I need communities like this helping, Imean Huoknan community helped me out immensley. This is just so unfair!

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Except its not MMR. Its 2400 CR. Which you stopped at. So therefor, you have no games recorded.

I spent most of my PvP time destroying people in random bgs. Then I really started arena this season…

There is nothing harder than arena in this game.

Careful the other side believes you are a terrible person and the people boosting you are scumbags

If you saw the face of the guys you paid to hard carry you to 2400 I would pale in comparison.

I get it, you are salty that you called the wrong guy hardstuck but here we are. And now we all know you got boosted.

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And there you go with the fake niceness. I understand you clearly. You offer a service because it rewards you.

Thinking you’re being clever with this is the reason why people don’t respond well to you.

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LOL now the mask slips

I see what you’re getting at, and I don’t have a problem with gold boosting on a smaller scale. But if someone is going to claim to have the community of the game’s interest at-heart, I think it’d be better for people to just run dungeons normally with LFG / Group Finder / friends or whatever tools are available.

The big boosting communities just kind of “monopolize” the style of gameplay many people probably yearn for in the super early days of the game, especially during vanilla. The genuine social experience has been replaced with quick, soulless, gold transactions.

However, as I said earlier in this thread, the huge boosting communities are just a symptom of the game’s big problems with the current unsatisfying gameplay loop which revolves around people grinding weeks or even months before they can catch up and enjoy end game content with their friends.

With that in mind, I do see the benefit of boosters, but I think long-term the major discord communities are not healthy for the game. The real test for Blizzard will be if they can fix everything wrong with the game come 10.0.

With all that said, I still think partially banning boosts in the way Blizzard did today is a step in the right direction, but ultimately it falls on them to make the game more fun to prevent this kind of behavior.


Ugh, counter-argument, as someone who has been boosting a ton this patch, I’ve met and made more friends than I have since vanilla, doing said boosts. Most of those boosters are like-minded players and pretty chill to be around.

I’ve also purchased many boosts for alts of mine to get a nice little headstart in gear so I’m not stuck slumming for weeks on end waiting to get a decent ilvl to be able to play the game. And unlike yourself, I’m in an actual guild with tight-knit groups of players, not a mass invite spam guild. Not that I’m saying anything is wrong with that, but I’ve got alts in those types of guilds and there is little to no social interactions that ever happen.

I’m guessing you’re the same kind of player that thinks raiderio is toxic and should be done away with, lol. I guess I just don’t see how literally anything that you have mentioned affects you in the slightest. You’re not running high keys, so people buying 20’s or something for portals and spoofing their IO doesn’t affect you. You don’t do mythic raids, well not really. So that doesn’t affect you. Even if you were doing these things, I still don’t see what the big deal is. Why do you get to determine how someone else gets to play the game? Hell why should you even care, lol.

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Oh noes!


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I’ve never met you so I dont make judgments about you, believe what you want it makes mo difference to how I truly feel. Interesting you can make judgement calls without knowing me xD

Why would I want to play a game that 70% of what I have to do isn’t fun? I’m not paid to play it unlike liquid.

I’m gonna be honest…those are good points. Thank you

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You still don’t think this guy boosted? Are you friends or something? If any other experienced arena people show up it will be open season on this dude.

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If you walk like a duck, talk like a duck, then you’re probably a duck.

You’re in here acting like a victim and being unable to admit basic truths about the boosting service.

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I dont pvp but isnt 2100 glad? So what’s the point of going over that let alone 2400? Not trying to troll, legit question. Or is 2400 glad? I dunno I’m a dwarf named rick Sanchez I dont take it that seriously

Believe what you want and interpret things how you want, I wish you the best because in a few hours or days our lives will go on as if we never talked because we dont know each other. Time rolls on

i hit 1800 twice in less than 100 games total previously working with a proper partner. pickings been slim this expac because everyone hates the boosters and the pvp gearing system.

as pathetic as coming into a random thread to rating shame because …because… because… why are you doing this exactly? if you are truly an authentically good player, you have nothing to lose by boosters going away.

do you just have an insecure ego and need to prove yourself better than me because i said i have experience? given that i have 4 times the kills than you, thats objectively true and you can’t argue it, so all you can do is attack rating. which again, i don’t get why? epics aren’t rated and they are free to everyone of every skill level to play, no barrier to entry and you meet friends and join communities to have fun. which you also seem to want to attack, people playing together in an MMO? you find that offensive? maybe this really isn’t the game for you.

no, i’m just really good at math and tracking trends. statistically the % of the playerbase i would worry about if i see them targeting me is so small that i generally assume i will win most encounters. you think i even flinch at johnnyawesome the raider and his paid for glad title?

the list of players i worry about is small enough i can track it in my head, and you ain’t on it.

It literally never was. Boosting had been in game since vanilla rofl and was posted in trade then as well. This is just going to make it so every guild is spamming instead of 5 discords.

Ahahahahahaha man I’ve never seen someone be so mad about a hardstuck1900 comment, ye man open season on me, what are you gonna do lmfao. You’re a hardstuck 1900.