Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

I get you’re the type of player unable to boost. But just so you’re aware, a massive portion of boost buyers are people who sell boosts (aka people who have “earned” their gear/achievement/reward) buying it for their alts so they don’t have to do normal SoD or w/e is the latest tier.

Boosting is bad for wow. Play the game. Have fun. Don’t pay someone else to carry you to greatness. And don’t advertise 23 hours a day about your BEST PRICE HEROIC SANCTUM CLEAR WITH FREE GEAR FUNNEL.

Nothing more tilting than playing a 3k player in arena when you’re at 1500 because someone with no rating bought a boost.

Boosting is bad for the game, as is the spam in trade and LFG.

I welcome this change.

Let’s make wow a game people can actually play to win instead of pay to win.


Why would I care about them for even a second?

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Keep up the awesome work Blizzard, keep them banned.


people like you just need to keep off the forms

Or before they tend to RMT they could just… you know… buy a servertransfer? :smile: Much easier and not against ToS.
And when that’s no option, well, sh*t happens. Bosskills and finished M+ keys are not obligatory and I find that it’s absolutely not a contra argument, saying that we need big boosting companys so that players on small realm can get boosted and get cheap bosskills.

100%. In those discussions right now I see a lot of this twisted mentality that is clearly caused by years of excessive and cheap boosting. I’m not really against boosting, but how about looking for groups to clear the content? Or just… you know… don’t have boss kills when you don’t want to?

I won’t contest the spam argument, but what a community does is make it easier for buyers and sellers to get in touch with each other, especially when one of them is on a dead realm. If selling boss kills individually doesn’t “ruin the integrity of the game”, how does making that process easier and more accessible do that?

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You do realize EVERY mmo has carries right? So I guess ALL mmos are not healthy as far as actual game design.

There is absolutely no way you can prevent people from getting carries. It is their “gold” they can do what they want with it. If MMOs banned this, that would be the worst decision ever. I personally don’t pay for carries because I work for the things I want and am in a raiding guild, but if people want carries who cares? How does it affect your gameplay?

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Paying a more seasoned adventurer to escort you through a difficult dungeon seems like it’s meant to be a part of the game. It’s a fairly common trope is fantasy stories.

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It sounds like this will only apply to the mega communities, as they mention it doesn’t apply to individuals and guilds.


Nah, you guys can just leave. bye.

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Gigachad energy levels from blizz going on here.


KSM is the problem. It is a gate that alts have a difficult time getting through. Just let us use our earned currency on alts and scrap ksm

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Oh no, you have to learn how to play the game now. The horror.


This aged extremely well.

Yeah for real. What twisted logic is it that the only thing keeping people paying their monthly sub is that they get to pay more to other players so they don’t have to play? I can see the argument from the boosters side a little more, there are probably some folks who are only still subbed in order to make gold selling carries, but those guys are top end players who will still play the game when new content comes out anyway, they’ll maybe just go into the “in-between patch break” a bit sooner.

Same, I have nothing against boosting. Whether you’re paying gold to progress in content you can’t otherwise do, or getting paid to smash thru content you have progressed past, more power to you. I personally find neither of those things very appealing, but to each their own.

Ofc I’m referring to gold carries, RMT boosting is bad, I don’t think you’ll find anyone defending RMT stuff.

They do play they just don’t want to raid traditionally or pvp :man_shrugging:

I don’t mind earning KSM on alts, but OMG PuGs right now are so bad. Anything below about 16-17 is pretty intolerable and filled with people who don’t even know basic mechanics, stand in everything bad, and die constantly. I tried joining guilds, but they’re all filled with cliques of people who only run with each other, and you’re left either running with them on their under geared alts (and never timing a key) or just PuGing (why did I join the guild again?)


I know this a bait post from the OP, but i’d slap you if i could.


Yeah I cant raid due to disabilities and relied on gold boosts for aotc. As a community us WoW players tend to flame the side against us. I get why they want it banned, I disagree and it’s time for me to search other horizons :frowning:

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