Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

They’re banning boosting communities but not boosting guilds.

So if you’re on a big server nothing changes since those guilds were already on your server, but if you’re on a low pop realm or a realm without skilled guilds who can provide those services you won’t have access to boosting anymore.

Always great to see people who haven’t had a mythic kill since mythic started talk about “earning” their achievements/gear. Incredibly cringe you shouldn’t type about things you don’t do. Also gj Blizzard now we’re gonna have buyers flock to RMT sites because they can’t readily pay for carries in a safe way.

Boosting Communities gave us:

A safe, scam free way of paying with GOLD ONLY to gear up alts/earn glory achievements etc etc.
A huge incentive for the playerbase to be active and push keys/pvp to then do sales, to buy stuff like black auction house xmogs.
A way for people on small pop realms to be active with other players.

Just to reiterate because the people asking for this clearly aren’t the brightest; YOU WILL STILL HAVE TRADE SPAM FILLING UP TRADE CHAT. You won’t suddenly get your dream of 2004 trade chat back. You’re gonna have 50 m+ groups spamming key sales now, instead of 4 big communities having 20 ads each spam trade chat. Grats. Literally nothing changed except to push people to RMT groups/sites and to remove a huge portion of the active playerbase. Every single time I think the devs can’t be any dumber, any more arrogant, any more lazy than they already are, they inevitably end up proving me wrong.

Nothing is gained by this, and everything is lost. I’ll do what literally everyone else does when you offer some dumb stupid moron idea, and tell you the correct idea and way to implement it, you know what your actual job is. Ban trade chat advertisements. Boom. That simple. Immediately every single boosting community would disallow their advertisers to post in trade chat. But yet again you seem incapable of copying the better devs (the ff14 devs).


All it will do is just drive it to discord and third party sites, were it will be sold for RL money instead.

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Mike Ybarra got tired of the competition on his boosts runs. So he put an end to them.

Joking aside… This is a good change.


I’m ok with using gold to buy tokens for balance/game time. It makes for a nice gold sink.

Not a fan of Buying tokens with real money though, it’s basically RMT with extra steps.

Nah, not really. The economy was totally fine before the excessive boosting and it will be.
Players who really need a boost because they absolutely can’t raid or do M+ under any circumstances will have the chance to buy a service from a normal guild and those who were boosting themselves in those communities… well… they will still play and maybe have the motivation to participate in the normal economy business outside of boosting.
And those few poor souls who had boosting as the ONLY motivation in the game… I don’t have any sympathy when they’re leaving the game. They obviously didn’t enjoy the game itself that much anyway.


grabs popcorn


Disbanding the communities will actually make the spam problem worse because advertising will be less centralized for the remaining number of boosters. It’ll just multiply the postings to have less organizers involved.

They need to actually enforce the rules of NO ADVERTISING in the group tool and can’t even pretend to do that… A failure so embarrassing that they quietly cancelled promised plans to bring the modern group tool to TBC Classic because it would have filled with boost spam too.

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I don’t really mind PvE boosting but I think if you want a game to be as healthy as possible boosting would not be allowed.


Or they are on a dead realm and will feel pushed to one of the RMT communities who don’t care about the ToS update.

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Selling boss kills do not equate for how the boosting communities work. Selling boss kills has always been a thing. What the boosting communities do is completely ruin the integrity of the game and the horrible spam.


Good Riddance dirtbags, now azeroth can heal her wounds!!!


You’re exactly what I thought you would be. Get a cutting edge achievement, before you type about things you can’t do. Cheers.

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For all those crying that this will kill WoW.

For one, no it probably wont, and secondly think about what you are saying here. If it is true that the only thing keeping this game alive is people paying other players to play the game for them, then this game is in an even worse state than previously thought and it probably should die.

WoW will be fine. A few less casuals will get AOTC and a few boosters will have less gold. The entirely of World of Warcraft isn’t carries tho, at least I hope.


I mean that’s fine. Banning the communities cuts out the majority of boosting runs which is a win.

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you mad people can make gold and are better than you

So if I talk about Olympians earning their metals instead of using steroids to boost them onto the podium, it’s incredibly cringe?

No, it’s not.

It an expectation of people earning rewards thru effort and ability.

And when people cheat that, it should be protested and criticized.


Don’t worry boosters… Blizzard will make boosting for gear etc… for real money which will be a token on the blizz store… Just like the gold farmers… the boosters… What’s next?

What’s interesting to me is this info got leaked a day or more early to the people involved with boosting communities, which means there’s some employees at Blizzard that were involved with them it seems.

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The only thing that can save this game is blizzard adding the services to the in-game store. I’m not talking about giving gold to some shady nobodies carrying you through content. Buy it from the store, get the rewards instantly(with some flashy f2p mobile graphics). The run you buy would be just like a legit run except you save a lot of time and frustration. A true time saver!

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