Do most people prefer night elves or blood elves, and why?

would high elves be as popular as blood elves then?

Maybe a little less since the Alliance already had Human Paladins. But probably close, in my opinion.

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which is a bit weird, weren’t people like all saying, “void elves are so awful” all over the forums when they first heard of them??

There are some reasons, elves doesn’t look to silly compared to many races in xmog, also people want to roleplay with elves instead of being the boring race.

There is also the OP racial of the blood elves, literally that racial makes the DH a must thing in mythic plus and fights like Zul can literally carry entire groups if done well

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Because it’s actual meaningful story progression that’s not going to be undone by a Star Trek style reset. To actually have been there when Darnassus was burning is something you have that a future player will not. Just like the Gate War in Silithus back in Classic Wow.

Op racial? The resource gain is small and apart from VERY specific fights the purge racial component of AT is useless.

 Who cares over Uldir when that raid already became stale?

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Compared to the troll/orc/tauren racials and most of the alliance races, the blood elves are miles ahead is usefulness(NOT OP but you can do a few more things with the purge) the only racial that can compite is the rocket belt of the goblin but still the camera view and angle plays a role and belves has one of the better.

Uldir it’s just an example, ToT was op for trolls with their racial of killing beast and haste.

Idk why this is even a question. Blood Elves are basically just high class humans. And just look up the Most Writers are Humans trope.

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A bit. It was mostly to do with the lore of them (or lack thereof). As well as how out of left field they were. Alleria was only a hint towards them (and not even an accurate hint), as opposed to even Alliance players being forced to spend half of Legion saving the Nightborne, and a zone saving the Highmountain.

But the SF are a small subset of the playerbase. For many, any lore misgivings would have been small to nonexistent. And many people will also choose aesthetics over lore, be it the look of a classical Thalassian Elf, or the edgy Void trappings. If racials played a part, I wouldn’t know it, since I’m not much of a min-maxer, but I’m sure someone could weigh in on that.

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Yes, but it is also the closest thing they will get to High Elves. So most got over it.


“I was there when Blizzard kicked Night Elves in the teeth again.” Oh yeah, I’m thrilled by that. How could I not have seen it that way? Thank you for setting me straight!


I wouldn’t bother. Drahliana is one of those people that pretends to be a Night Elf fan while also pushing that the current story is something to admire.


Never said I was. A fan is a person who gets torqued off when something deviates the slightest from their fantasy narrative. I shucked off that kind of mentality decades ago. I am waiting for this story to fully play out before I judge it. And we both know that it’s not done yet.

So you’re every other kid on this forum who puts up with a garbage product and then when it inevitably never gets better you just go “lol maybe next time they’ll do better guys”


I don’t share your opinion that it’s a garbage product. Game wise, I’ve actually made the most use of my leatherworking since classic. Most of the quests on the Alliance side (I’ve just begun on Horde side) have been engaging and even a bit of humor spiced in now and then. The Kul-Tiran continent is beautifully done and Drust takes the Horror factor up a delicious Dark Shadows style 10. I’m not happy about what happened to some of my favorite zones in Kalimdor, but that is preferable to an eternal stasis.

That said, I think there are definite misses. The Void Elf story is pretty weak feels like more a throw-in. I’m extremely disappointed in the Nightborne models, they’ve could have done something better than throw a poor sack on the Night Elf skeleton. But I’m pretty okay with the Lightforged Draenei.

Thalassian elves are more popular than their Kalimdorian cousins because they’re closer to the elves we grew to know; elves as depicted by Tolkien (LoTR), DnD, warhammer, and numerous other high fantasy movies and games.

Also, thalassian elves look a lot like humans, but prettier, thus making them more relatable to the playerbase.

As for the Nightborne and Ren’dorei, I think it is too early to determine whether they’ll be popular or not. There’s still room for the writers to develop the lore and certain characters. We can only hope they won’t butcher it.

Kill all elves.

I prefer Thalassian Elves at Alliance‘s side

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I think it’s a mixture of different things. For some blood elves are the closet to playing their elven fantasy, for others it’s because they are fans of the blood elven story, the fact that only blood elves can be demon hunters Horde side gives it a small boost, and I’ve actually seen a few admit to wanting to play a pretty race Horde side. All in all it’s not one thing in particular and plenty of people have their reasons to play another race either as an alt or main.

For example I started WoW playing an orc since they were a core Horde race from the beginning but i have an orc shaman because of Thrall.

I know when the allied races were first released I saw alot of Nightborne, though now a days I see more Highmountain. And as someone who just plays Horde I’ve discovered that the Alliance allied race that I’m most likely to stumble upon/encounter are void elves.

I’ll take night elves for not being low-effort Tolkein knockoffs that later turned into humans but with long ears.