Do most people prefer night elves or blood elves, and why?

you know, there are LOTS of posters here who post as night elves/ blood elves, and I think they also have some of the highest percentages in-game. just wondering, which 1 is accepted as more popular by the player base generally speaking?? and why, is it b/c of appearance, racials, culture or what?

P.S. and while we’re on the topic of elves, are nightborne or void elves more popular, do you think, and do they have potential to be as popular as first 2 elves?

According to statistics Blood Elves are the most popular race in wow.

Humans and Night Elves earning 2nd and 3rd spots if i recall.
Check Realmpop website for more info.

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The forums are not the place to get that answer, too small of a population to get the real picture.

Your friend would be realmpop also, have in mind most players don´t care over lore, and merely over the gameplay aspect -ergo, racials and aesthetics-.


I guarantee you Void Elves are more popular than Nightborne. I see Void Elves constantly while on my Alliance toons, whereas it’s a rarity that I see a Nightborne when I’m on my max level Horde alt.


Void elves are by far the most popular allied race.


I mean, that really depends on what factors amount to preference.

Simple popularity? Short answer is Blood Elves, because people can play Horde and look pretty.


Blood Elves win because they are the only Horde race that looks at least decent, are the only Horde race that can be Demon Hunters, and are the go-to Horde race for Paladins. They also have one of the best PvE mechanic racials in the game. Also, they are Horde, and Horde is played more because PvE is the only truly effective way to gear currently, and the Horde have far superior PvE racials.

Night Elves have being the only Demon Hunter race available to the Alliance, and being the go-to race for Druids for the Alliance, but that’s it. They are held back by everything else that Blood Elves get.

Also, yes, Void Elves are the most played Allied Race by far, and Nightborne are nearly non-existent.


Personally, I don’t prefer Blood Elves or Night Elves. I prefer High Elves. Pity they’re not playable yet, so I’m sitting on the closest thing and keeping some money tucked away for a race change should Blizzard ever add High Elves while my interest in the game persists.

Between Night Elves and Blood Elves, Blood Elves are more popular. I’d say it’s a combination of things ranging from being one of the few objectively, ‘Good Looking,’ races the Horde has, access to the rare (for the Horde) class of Paladin, the Horde’s only access to Demon Hunters, and decent racials.

Between Void Elves and Nightborne, Void Elves are more popular. Void Elves definitely have stronger racials, and Nightborne suffer from looking almost nothing like their NPCs models. Neither race has access to the more valued classes out there; Druid, Paladin, Shaman.

Anyways, everyone has a reason to play the race they play. As for why people chose to post on a given race, who knows? Could range from how the forum avatar looks to how the individual identifies with a character outside of the game.


To be fair Nightborne are horrid to look at.
I would sooner play a filthy Troll than a Nightborne.

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says the fake purple blood elf…
no disrespect but void elves are not beautiful either, you look like you are in desperate need of a bath, and you guys have tentacles growing in the head, just gross, at least draenei look like they clean themselves.

not to mention the hair jesus such a horrid experience it was to level up a void elf, i just hope your kind just die out in 10 years or so from some bacteria or viruses.


Night elves.

They were blizzards first true contribution to the fantasy genre, taking elements of previously developed elf races from other books and games, and made it their own. When they were released in wc3, there was an allure and mystique about them that the high elves at the time, just simply didn’t have.


While the blood elves are interesting, I personally agree that the kaldorei are a bit more “original” that than the stereotypical pale, blond, originally blue-eyed magical elves that so many fantasy stories, including Warcraft, employed.


Can’t speak for the Alliance counterparts, but Belf popularity is a combination of them being the only pretty Horde race, the only Horde DH race, one of two (now 3) Horde Paladin races, and having strong racials (+crit, and on-use resource generation).

As for Nightborne, I don’t have any issue with them (my mage is one), but the very general problem they suffer from is being too similar to Belfs without offering any sort of competitive advantage. They have fairly weak racials - the on-use snare is fairly underwhelming, and half the classes don’t benefit from their +magic damage passive. They also don’t offer any classes that Belfs can’t be. As for aesthetics and similar factors, they’re pretty much Belfs 2.0, but locked behind a rep grind you can only work on beginning at 110. So, especially if you’re new to the game or not really invested in the lore, there’s not really much incentive to pick an NB instead of a Belf.

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Dude I am blue blood elf.
You can’t get more low effort than that.


I went for the Night Elves for their perfect inversion of the “dark elf” trope. The Blood Elves are their own inversion of the “bright elf” trope.


It would seem most people prefer the Blood Elves. I certainly do.

The Night Elves as a race are OK enough. But not on the level that I want to play as. Same with Dwarves. Muradin, Maiev, and Malfurion are all awesome ( and I just noticed they all start with M ). But I have no interest in playing as their race.

Void Elves made playing the Alliance tolerable. They are basically just blue blood elves. Skin, hair, Faction, even forum background. I still hope the Alliance gets an new Allied Race that I would enjoy more, though. Or at least the skinny Human option. Both current versions of Humans are too bulky for my taste.

Blood Elves because they are(or were) the closest thing WoW had to Drow.

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I mean if we humans can make one another look bad by the color of our eyes or where we live, why not blood and void elves bickery? I mean look at least you just need a bath and everything will be ok i guess.


Ok sure.
What I was commenting was about the Nightborne model.

Lots of effort and unique flavor is in it to make them distinct from Night Elves but due to the same skeleton being used that race is just ugly and they stand awkwardly.
In my own humble opinion.

Void elves are just blue and the absolute bare minimum effort to add a hair gimick.
Its actually insulting how similar they look to Blood Elves.

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and thats the problem i have with it too, but the hair models the males look like they haven’t washed their heads in years, I mean i know azeroth is not like our world but hey even the orcs look clean in their models, but the void elves really look like they’re dirty and their hair is full of oil…

and you guys are just school work ‘’ you can copy but make sure it does not look the same’’