Do most people prefer night elves or blood elves, and why?

More like "we only have 3 months left and we forgot to give something to the Alliance.

Lets call the interns to edit the blood elves and ship it out on time."


Only good elf is a dead elf.

Void elves use the tried and proven blood elf model with a different color. The Nightborne are an blotched abomination of the Night elf model with worse animations than the NPC’s.

The Nightborne model needs to be revisited by the art team badly. Both sexes are worse than the Female Worgen model.


The really odd thing is that they have perfectly usable existing models in both the NPC and the male and female models players use as a disguise.

The NPC’s are different, at least that’s what Blizzard and/or game devs familiar with the process told us. Their clothing and weapons is a part of their models and aren’t compatible with the gear players use without going back and rigging every piece of gear to their model after its been sanitized to just the nude model. The current player model was built from the ground up separate from the NPCs.

The real tragedy is that the NPCs have way better “heritage” clothing than what the Nightborne got. It looks decent on clothies, but bad on leather/mail/plate classes. And especially bad on melee classes.

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Unlike the Lightforged which seems to be focused on plate warriros, the Nightborne armor seems to be heavily focused on spellcasters, which kind of makes sense given their Highborne status. Even the racials for the Nightborne seem caster focused.

Doesn’t change how stupid my Nightborne warrior looks in it. Give me the spell-fencer armor for transmog instead, I don’t care if it looks like I just got out of the club’s VIP section.

Like I said, It’s clear to me that the armor was made for a spellcaster and they really didn’t care on how it looked on a warrior. And Heritage armor is on a one style fits all model.

That’s a given seeing how many corners were cut on allied races, especially seeing that the Blood elves got an alternative look in their armor. Even having alternate armors as a rep reward would be a good alternative than disregarding half the races class options that don’t fit it thematically.

However, Blizzard has lately been rather… puritan on their views of skimpy armor as of late.

Apparantly a few of those options are out there, for men too. I saw someone sporting a warbear leather transmog the other day.

Warbear is a Vanilla-era armor though, and men are the exception on being unclad.

A guy can run around dressed like Sting in the original Dune movie, but a lady trying to impersonate Lady Gaga? Cover the children’s eyes!

For us at least. They had no problem putting the metalkini on any Night Elf npc they could get their hands on, until the Warfront armor came out.

Now if they gave that to us… That might just be worth a resub (even if temporary).

Elves are just humans with pointy ears and purple skin.

Except Blood Elves, who are just humans with pointy ears.

People like to play Humans. All there is to it.


I prefer Blood Elves, because the Night Elf fanbase sucks.


Well that’s just mean. I try to be nice, I’m just a naturally irritable person.

I just dislike how whiny a lot of Night Elf fans are. It feels like the majority of them can’t ever be pleased. I’ve got nothing against people who don’t complain all the time.

Look at it this way, our race has been kicked down a lot. Like, way too much. One little “victory”, such as it is, is not going to undo everything Night Elves have lost. Winning back Darkshore, a place we controlled and more before this expansion, is not a win really. We still got pushed out of every other territory and had our home burned to the ground. I don’t really blame you for thinking we complain a lot but why should we be pleased by the events of this expansion?


I do see how it is, and I know, I’ve been playing since vanilla. But the playerbase never looks at the good they have, always the bad. The victories aren’t celebrated, they’re denounced, and nothing is going to be undone. Not all of it should be undone, because every race has had bad moments, it’d be bad if every bad moment were undone. Whining is not going to change it. It’s not productive.

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Good is over rated. Especially by that standard.

I think Blood Elves usually are. Less nature lore, few specific class options (Horde Paladin and Demon Hunter), generally good racials, well received models (especially seen as the best Horde from what I hear). But Night Elves still have a lot of support. Rather unique, especially compared to the Alliance aesthetic. And hit the Druid/nature feel the best on the Alliance.

I think Void Elves are a lot more popular than the Nightborne. Better models and somewhat work for people that wanted Alliance High Elves. But I doubt either group will surpass Night Elf or Blood Elf.