Do healers have to take the hypocritical oath?

You kidding! I let bad tanks and dps die all the time to save from getting a wipe! Healers get to choose who lives and who dies!

Nope, stand in bad and we will let you die without remorse.

Like this guy did.

Hippopotamus Oath.


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Had to be me

Someone else might have gotten it wrong

:frowning_face: :sob:

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That scene still hurts T_T

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Thatā€™s the one where you vow that none shall pass. 'Cuz if you ainā€™t first, youā€™re last!

I feel like this personally speaks to me, when I started this toon and started to heal I felt exactly like this. Feel like the soup guy from seinfeld, NO HEALS FOR YOU!

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somewhere along the line you stop caring about making sure everyone lives

youā€™ve become a true healer when you finally let that person standing in the fire die instead of saving him from himself

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I thought you became a true healer when youā€™ve finally had enough dealing with oblivious morons and switch to dps; which happened to me somewhere around the middle of TBC.


I dunno about in WoW, Iā€™m terrible at healing in WoW, absolutely terrible and I refuse to play a healer in WoW for all the stress it bringsā€¦ but in FF14ā€¦ I most definitely did not take the Hippocratic oath. As a Sage, I am all about shooting things with lasers, and as a White Mage, Iā€¦ Iā€¦ stand in the bad so I can use my lilys on you you useless party members blood for the blood lily BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD LILY AHAHAHAHAHA!!!

ahem What was I saying? Oh, and as any healer, I enjoy my Rescue (Leap of Faith) button too much. I choose YOUā€¦ to DIE!

So yeah. Whats a Hippo Oath?

I took the hippo oath myself. :hippopotamus:


Not sine Dan Quayle insisted potato had an E at the endā€¦

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Hypo = below, less than normal
Critical = Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits

meaning, ā€œdo healers have to take a Below Normal and Unstable Oath?ā€

prob not, but given what ā€œweā€ see in game. of course the vast majority have a below normal and unstable sense of what it means to be a healer. giving life one moment and taking it the next. :dracthyr_tea:

Sage is a lot like Disc; seen videos of Savage raiders standing there and hard casting on a non-hard cast job.

I donā€™t think that many of them ā€˜got itā€™ (the idea of DPS-to-Heal) and the pure mobility that Sage (and Disc) have.

Anyway, back @WoW because:

A.) the PVP is absolute trash there, and

B.) there is nothing to do at endgame except collect xmogs and prance around Limsa; a strange past-time for a grown man.

Not many people remember that.

In his defense, he was reading off of a card that had that same typoā€“and got a bad rap for it.

One pug run on my priest in Theater of Pain we had a terrible pally tank. This person was constantly over pulling, not keeping aggro, failing at interrupts, blaming DPS, being super rude. So. I intentionally stood in the the path of green vortex that flings you off platforms. I also intentionally leap of faith yanked that person along for the ride to the death with me. There was many lols from the party members. The tank rage quit, but bricking that key in that manner was 1000% worth it.

I try not to do stuff like that very often, but sometimes you gotta give a little abuse back to even the karma scales. It was a fudge around and find out day for that person. They did not like the find out part of the equation.

Oath or not. Some peeps just need to have a little death now and then, and think about their life choices.

I took the Hippogryph oath

Not a healer but I did take the hypocritical oathā€¦now I can do whatever I want!