Do healers have to take the hypocritical oath?

Holy Paladins have an ability that sacrifices their health to help others. I can’t imagine doing no harm is part of their protocols.

However you should make sure your insurance policy has clauses for extra benefits. Like Blessing of Protections etc. It’s definitely a costly premium but it can potentially save you in dire situations.

Be sure to speak to your local guild HR to get your policy updated.

When in doubt. I just think of how Dr Mordin Solus handles things

“Lots of ways to help people. Sometimes heal patients; sometimes execute dangerous people. Either way helps.”

All of my oaths are hypocritical.

I think you should learn to spell the word your basing your post on but that is just me.

Taking the hypoallergenic oath?

My nose will be very thankful, yes.

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*the word your basing you’re post on

As a medic…

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I think you at least have to scan over the hippopotamus oath first

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Hmm… not based on the real world “healers” I’ve met.

I am assuming (hoping) you’re joking because when I heal people I don’t proiotize people with the highest dps. I priotize tanks, other healers, and then dps. IDc how high your dps is I’m not gonna let others die for you.

you should consider if they are paying into your protection racket first. Make them an offer they cant refuse.

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that word you use…I dont think it means what you think it means
inigo montoya gifs | WiffleGif

*the word your’e basing your post on

fixed it for you


I say we follow Illari’s lead:

"Stay in range. If you wander off, I can’t protect you. "
"If you are going to die, do it when I am not looking. "
“You are only my responsibility if you are close enough to me”


Doesn’t apply in the following cases:

1.) The lowest DPS in any instance (particularly in PVP) whispers you to make sure (demand) that you heal them–even if they are a cooldown/GCD/mana sump & your efforts would be better served elsewhere. Will then resort to using naughty language when you tell them “no.” Is funny when they do it in Spanish–as if I didn’t know what those words meant.

Yeah, more people know the language than you think. Wouldn’t suggest this policy unless you feel like being reported for harassment. No names, Nemesis players.

2.) Locks who take Burning Rush but never turn it off. Even in boss fights. After a while, I catch on, stop healing them so that they can stew in their own fire.

3.) Knuckleheads who deliberately pull mobs to the left and the right of the tank’s path. If the tank is hip too, we’ll let the conehead flop: why should we have to do extra work because a nub DPS felt extra “proactive”?

4.) Any rogue who deliberately places himself in a team fight unless said rogue is spinning a flag that we already have. If this is you, go steal us some bases and quit trying to be a DK so that we can win the game.

4.) Those who are LoS/out-of-range and anybody else if I feel especially curmudgeon-ly that day.

Otherwise, I heal all people who are within range of me and I don’t have the zug-zug melee train on me.

I might even smile as I do it.

Do what you want, we’ll find out if I have the ability to keep you alive or not.

They probably have taken a hypocritical oath, that’s why they can do harm!

You ever seen that healer who lets someone die because they are standing in all the bad just to get that dps?


What did you call me?

Hypodermic both?
Hyperthermic quoth?