Do healers have to take the hypocritical oath?

Or can we do harm?

… Hippocratic.


hypnotic oath?

hippodrome oath?


When people are hard standing in the bad I’ll try heal them for a few seconds but after that they are on their own and I just let them die and feel nothing.


that’s not very nice, you should at least consider their dps before letting them die


There’s a point where a healer transcends the usual. We all know how a healer starts out. Someone brand new to healing. Typically, they’re like “:O! I’m gonna make sure everybody lives! I’m someone who just wants to help my friends!”

Then we enter the bitter stage. “Why does no one help me? D: Why am I always left behind? Why don’t tanks listen when I need to drink, or why don’t dps peel me in PvP? QQ” This is usually the turning point.

And then? We transcend. There’s no oaths. There’s no ideals. There’s no good, or bad. There’s simply: “I just work here.”

I’m a healer. And I’ve just worked here since I was 17, when I first started healing.


Nah, do what you want.

:100: you can do harm.

There is a point where you gotta let the bird fall if it falls into the fire on its own volition.

Best feeling when someone messes up their own situation, blames you the healer, but you and everyone burns them for being an idiot.

Dead DPS = 0 DPS

If you stand in fire and die you are useless DPS. If you blame the healer you are a jerk and a useless DPS and you get kicked because you have nothing going for you.

If you expect the healer to let the rest of the group die so that you can do your “uber deeps” you don’t know anything about WoW.

You can do harm. That was the fun ability of the venthyr for s. Priest.

It turned heals to damage. Good times in pvp when you loaded it on a healer.

I’m dropping Holy fire all over the place. Pretty sure that answers that.

No we dont have to take the hyperbolic oath


Hippocrates never lived on Azeroth, so most likely not.

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I won’t do harm to my party…but I won’t stop harm from happening if they are too stupid to move out of the bad.


You always have the option to refuse to heal the fool standing in the fire.

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The hippy hippy shake oath.


But – and hear me out – they could take the Hippocratic oath hypocritically.


Do healers have to take the hypocritical oath?

lol. I hope not. Because I’ll bail at the first sign of annoyance leaving dead and maimed bodies lying on the battlefield and chuckle while I go have a starbucks

sounds like about 2/3 of the medical community these days, lol

I heal anyone as long as theyre trying to do their job.
I dont care if they stand in the green goo as much as I do theyre pulling for the tank after hes asked them to stop…or a tank that pulls 3 rooms and doesnt bother to make sure to keep aggro.

Either of those scenarios likely ends in me clicking out of the run and going back to ore farming, lol