Do Druids counter Mages?

wrong, if the druid and mage are equally geared, the druid will ALWAYS win if he knows what hes doing on any tier gear level. As long as you have enough +healing and know how to fake the counter spell you can always out-heal a mages damage, especially a frost mage and burn them down with moonfire/insect swarm. A fire mage may get you occasionally.

That’s how I know you did not fight geared and skilled warlocks.

Felhunter runs faster than the warlock and will be in range if you even dare to cast a heal unless you’re just trying to run away. I would just drop combat by running the opposite way or use LoS and mount up.

Geared warlocks don’t even coil into fear anymore. It’s a waste when they can just blow you up instead. I play Conflag exclusively in PvP for flag returns, and we are designed for quick powerful burst (I’ll say only second after ele shamans with EM and tie with POM pyro mages in term of reliability).

I’ll say it again. I can kill you in the 6 seconds of coil into blanket spell lock.


The more you post…the more I doubt this.

You must be fighting absolute brain-dead warlocks.


get a priest with you

they can trinket poly, make him spec shadow until silence…healing is so strong you can be shadow spec’d and still give out impressive heals

you+a 5 second silence should own mages easy…and even if they are undead the priest should still fear them–remember fear can also be used a pseudo stun as it interrupts any casting(and sometimes doenst fkin break on dmg). so what if they can break out of it instantly, it still forces them to GCD their wotf and cancel any casting

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I think more often than not mage>rogue. An average Mage can put up a strong fight against a good rogue. If skill levels are identical I feel like Mages have every tool to win against a Rogue.

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It is true, but on my server I’ve seen ally mages panic

Balance resto spec druids probably have an easier time overall. That said the true hard counter to mages would likely be warlocks.

The sad truth and why resilience was added in TBC, world of oneshotcraft by Naxx.

Yeah…by the time naxx hits rogues and warriors are just going to be blowing everyone up. Except SL locks…but even they have problems.

Druids counter frost mages.

Mages that are actually pvp elemental do very good vs druids.

Try a mage at the top of his game. Shaman have no mobility and only have grounding to counter.

On paper, that’s true. But human reaction time comes into play. Don’t care who you are, when the rogue just appears behind you and rips most of your HP away in an instant, it is easy to panic.

Druids, Priests, and Warlocks pretty much dunk on Mages with minimal effort.

My Felhound solos mages while I afk.

Mages are pretty much the weakest caster for fighting other casters.

I fight mages at the top of their game from every server. They don’t have anything on elemental. Of course i also have engineering to combat their engineering.

There isnt any Shadow resist gear in the game to both make Druid resistant enough to matter and still have them be a damage threat.

Send em. Good luck, mate.

For real though, elemental poops on mages in a 1v1. Enhance not so much.

We don’t need to argue on it. I agree most mages don’t respect their range and are impatient for the kill.

Look if a mage wants to max range out of shock range then they open themselves up to LB -> CL. You can fakecast heals to dodge CS or use it after they fireblast a grounding totem. Also Just don’t be wsg spec with 31/0/20 and instead be 30/0/21. But you right, to each their own. I have something like 550k kills between vanilla/tbc/classic on shaman and have no issues with mages. Maybe a crazy RNG PoM Pyro once in a blue moon if its not a duel and i dont have flame reflector.
