Do Druids counter Mages?

Scorch isn’t 41 yards. Its 36 with talents. Fire blast is 26. Only fireball and pyroblast are 41 I believe.


What i don’t understand is why so many people insist on saying with “rank 1” earth shock in a 1v1 situation

Do people just think downranking for no particular reason makes them a good player?

You can literally kill a mage in 3 max rank earth shocks alone, why in the world would you deliberately choose to use the weakest version of one of your most deadly abilities against a mage when they share the same cooldown regardless of rank?

You aren’t going to win the mana race against a mage by downranking earthshocks, you’re gonna win that race by killing them before they can get a chance to reset the fight and make a full recovery with a bandage because you were using weak rank 1 shocks for literally no reason


Warlocks and shadow priests though?

Druid with feral charge is great against mages though OP. HotW or tri-spec can wear them down.

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You’re thinking too small. You’re right in a 1v1 duel, or a 1v1 bit of world PvP. However, for a BG or a 3v3 arena, you need to think of more than just the mage, but dealing with the mage’s allies, as well. So downranking serves a purpose of allowing you to keep your MP up, not just for the one fight, but for the fights before and after it, as well.

Druid vs. Warlock? Warlock has the edge, at range. Druid gets into melee? That’s going to be tough, especially if the Druid gets some shadow resist gear.

Tougher…sure. Tough…no.

Any warlock worth their salt will deathcoil and chain fear immediately after they get opened up on. You can maybe widdle a PvE specced warlock down who forgot to make a HS. But if you are fighting a SL warlock with a FH or VW out…you don’t stand a chance.

Shadow resist gear will help but I doubt anyone but a sweaty PvP tryhard is prepping warlocks that hard. Although I have a shadow reflector for warlocks and spriests specifically, I have no resist gear for them…I need to get sweatier it seems.


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That’s not a warlock that’s worth their salt if they coil when gets open on right away (basically asking to get coil vanished by a rogue or shadow reflected). Since we’re talking about a decent warlock, he WILL have a healthstone on him.

If a druid opens up, judge your hp and use the healthstone to make sure not over healing then cast fear immediately (may not be necessary if you’re geared enough) while spinning and keeping your back away from the druid. He will have to either shift to bear to charge but then that’s an easy juke. Or eat the fear and trinket. That’s why you layer another fear after the first one lands. He will get feared again after the trinket. Then just proceed to nuke combo. The coil is there in case of reflector when you’re fearing (coil after!) or when the druid is trying to run away when his opener fails miserably.

Against frost mages, they will run into you and spam AoE in hope that they can kill you before you can. If they don’t, there shouldn’t be even able to get a cast off between getting spell locked, Felhunter slapping him, and curse of tounge spam. Against inexperienced mages, I actually range them >36 yr, dots and run away. If they rank 1 frostbolt slow, just use devour from pet and keep kiting the mage til he blinks.

late game everyone just gets one shot

pvp is dead


Sorry, I was talking about a druid opening up immediately…who doesn’t have vanish. I just thought it was implied.

Bro we are arguing the same point…warlock will wreck a druid 9/10 times lol.

I feel like Mage is the one class that I lose to more often than not. Perhaps because I don’t have preparation as combat swords, but I feel like 1 vanish, 1 blind and 1 sprint isn’t enough to do the job most times. If they survive those, which they almost always can with frost bolt kiting, into a nova, and two ice blocks, my only wins have been from super lucky crit deletes. I’d say I lose these like 80% of the time. I’m probably not a “good rogue” though lol

This is more how I feel most of the time lol

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how do they have edge at range if the fear on range is so small? if you out range fear you win lol

Because Warlock ranged DPS far outstrips druid ranged DPS.

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For sure. And all of the better warlocks I’ve fought play aggressive against me and dive to make sure I just don’t moonfire spam them at range.

My bad. I probably got mixed up with another thread about a druid beating a warlock.

uuh druids can heal way better then locks so dmg me all you want. and guess what you can only heal at SHORT range LOL

I don’t play a rogue, never have, I can tell I would be trash at the class, but I’ve seen some mages eat bad rogues, and some of those same mages get eaten by a smart/good rogue.

We have never had the need to use Drain Life to heal ourselves in PvP since the heal is abysmal. Our burst can outright kill you in a single coil into blanket spell lock though. I’ve had druids shift out of form and thought they could heal back up just to lose even more health to me free casting.

I’m sorry this is just wrong on so many levels. Maybe enhance like you said but elemental will wreck a mage.


Curse of Tongues, increases your cast times.
Dots keep ticking.
Shadowbolt does spell knockback.
In MC/ZG gear, and using Oil, I have close to 600 spell damage on my attacks. More if I whip out a Zandalarian Hero Charm.
In that same gear, I can get up to 6k HP and 6k MP with buffs.
If I have Soul Link up, 30% of all damage I take gets shifted to my demon, instead, basically giving me an extra 30% to my health bar.
Stopping to heal without any means of keeping me from casting just delays the inevitable.

People act like Fear is the only tool warlocks have, but that’s just plain stupid. Dots, debuffs, and heavy hitting spells. The absolute worst thing you can do to a warlock in PvP is let them stay at range and cast. The only exceptions are mages and hunters, since their best damage comes at range as well. For anyone else, get into melee with a warlock, and they’re another cloth wearer, just with substantially more HP.

lol at them all they had to do was cheeta for 1 more second to heal out of range of your attacks.

i kill warlocks all day they only get coil as opener and try n fear if they do ill trinket n start the kite life.

legit every class i fight hate fighting me and start running away because of how annoying i am with cheeta.