Do any female players play male characters?

Honestly, I wish females stuck together more and played guys more. Not sorry. I knew a couple girls who pretended to be enemies and played some guys. Such sweetness.

I’m so over dweeb 20 something bois and old guys and their lame games.

The ultimate sweetness is when they trash talk you and find out you’re a woman and then they simp it up.

seriously? this question again?

I wonder at the type of person who can’t fathom playing a character of the opposite gender in a video game.

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yes this question super serious.

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Im a male and i only play male characters.

Ive tried to play a female one before but i just couldnt do it.
I use my character as sort of a self insert. Cant do that on female characters as im not one. (Its also why i cant do serious alts)

Fortunately im also gay.
So i get access to the whole sex appeal angle as well.

Its a complete win win.

Honestly I don’t put too much into that one way or another.

Everyone has their reasons.

For myself it just really depends on who or what I feel like running around with at the time.

Some play opposite for the cringe factor but I would honestly hope most who play opposite for just the sake of something different would outweigh the ones who do for cringe reasons.

If I play one on my body type 1’s, cool, if I play one of my body type 2’s cool, I play them for me at the end of the day if that’s what I feel like doing when I log in.

Hehe, yes. It looks so odd. I mean, I am not a fan of the broad shoulders overall, but the broad shoulder AND the tiny waist and hips… Yeh. I know they were going for stylised but bleh.

My Dracthyr is male though. I like the way the base Dracthyr models are proportioned, and the Blood Elf looking Visage (which I admittedly never use) is about as close to my chosen body type as WoW can get other than the Dracthyr.

Female player here, most of my characters are male. The reasons are very simple, for the specific race the gear looks better on them, or the attack/cast animations look better.

This is my experience too. I find I am treated much the same no matter which gender character I play. Then again, I tend to keep to myself and not bother correcting people when they call me “he.” People usually just think I am male til I get on some sort of voice program.

The only whispers from a stranger I have gotten in as long as I can remember in WoW was a person saying they liked my Dracthyr’s colour scheme. In FF14 where I play a male Viera I occasionally get whispers saying they like my character look/mog, but never anything vulgar.

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I’d say that in the case you describe, it is not the men being weird but the woman. Most men could care less about someone’s gender in an online game.

That you’d prefer to stare at a males behind first make you wrong. You be you I say!

Absolutely. Forsaken men have a superior dance animation.

This is my first male character I created not long ago to get the Kul Tiran heritage armor. I could not stomach creating a female Kul Tiran.

You mean do body type 2 people play body type 1 characters? remember, we cant say the W or M words any more.

I play both, mostly female characters but I have a male kul tiran warrior and I’ve secretly been enjoying playing him more than my main worgen female warrior. He’s just so over the top, can’t help but love him.

My evoker is also male bc I can’t stand the female visage form, it looks so weird to me.

So I guess first one is not about looks but second one is. Sometimes I change my tauren characters to male as well bc I love their animations and stuff.

My bf plays mostly female characters, for the “aesthetics” as far as I know. Makes sense to me.

Yeah what’s up with that? Males have this sort of bear thing going on but the females just look stretched out to me. Idk

I honestly think some people just feel self-conscious that they like playing as female characters so they give a “straight guy” reason, because people can be unkind about that sort of thing.

Creates female worgen. Disappointed in female worgen. Creates male worgen. Now That’s a werewolf.

Creates female cow. Disappointed in female cow. Creates male deathknight tauren. Now That’s more like it!

Creates female vulpera…no, forget it. Won’t be able to take the voice. Just goes with male.

Most of my toons are female. But I play whatever I like the best for the race. It’s a game.


I’m a guy, but play both male and female characters. It just depends what I feel is the best looking for the class I’m playing.

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Yes, my friend always plays male characters.

You have a cat girl in Final Fantasy don’t you, you sly dog.