Do any female players play male characters?

All the time. Sometimes it’s for RP reasons like I do, and there’s those who get tired of “RU a real gurl?” stuff. My daughter even uses male voice mods for less harassment on Discord.

It is. Especially if he plays Tauren.

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I’ll be honest, I legit only look at my character when doing laps around town or looking at my mog.

The looking at a body type 2 excuse is copium at best. It’s because they think the character is cute.

I know but I play with the sound off, ignore the pc sjw crap which I think will eventually die off, decided to try it out.

I haven’t gotten very far with it though.


I hate the female models in this game. So I only play male characters, as a woman. Armor also looks better on male characters, I feel.

I dunno, maybe it is also because I am a really old gamer as well, male protagonists were our only option back in the day in video games. So I am just used to playing them.

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Back in nostalarius days, I had an ex girlfriend who played a male gnome briefly till she saw how cute the female gnome i made was.

It was a time for sure.

Don’t answer this ladies, it’s a trap. He’s just trying to draw you out so he can send you Spec Pics.

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I know how to get guys to leave you alone - even the ones that come back several times. Hmu.

Yep I do. When I make alts if I already have a female of that race I will make a male. My main however will always be a girl.

This only happens if you go out of your way to tell players you are a girl. You get the attention you ask for.
When I play my female characters, which is 90% of the time I always get called brother, my guy etc. I never correct them, bc who really cares.


Male characters in this game are styled to what a typical male envisage a good-looking male to be. What a female thinks never came into it.

Apparently when Blood Elves first appeared, the males had a physique like the Silvermoon guards, tall and slender, as Elves are typically cast, but they weren’t to the player bases liking, so they were transformed into the ridiculously muscled monstrosities in the game now.

I did create a male Belf Demonhunter when they were released but I couldn’t level him, partly because of the way he looked, partly because he made so much damn noise.

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Depends on the race. I like the male models more than the female models of most races.

I am a male and I play mostly (but not exclusively) female characters.

I just like the way they look better, simple as that.

You won’t find any of my toons with skimpy outfits or anything, I just choose what I find most aesthetically pleasing when I make a character.

I’ve been saying for years I wanted a male belf paladin because their new heritage armor looks horrid on a female.

Maybe if I get back into WoW I’ll finally make one.

Yeah, plenty of male characters in the past. Truthfully I think they look more charismatic and have more personality than pretty much any other female character model. Male character models have a wider arrange of body types, stances, and sizes as a group.

I have very few male characters but that is due to me not liking how some look or how pants fit on them. Why are the waist bands so freaking high on the? Can we get some below the navel pants for male characters?..and dwarven beards for everyone?

Yes, my GF loves to play shirtless male characters.

She says it is to offset me playing female characters in skimpy armor.

Sooooooo upset with the Male Night Elves binding their abdomens at birth.

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I’m a dude but I only play female characters. It’s not because I’d rather stare at the female’s backside. Rather, I just think it looks more badass when a small frame female kicks the crap outta a mob thats 10 times her size with a weapon that she can only lift in an imaginary world. Its just way cooler to play as a female character imo.

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Depends. I’m a male and used to think that rolling the opposite sex was weird.

Then I got older and some of the animations look weird to me. NE, always female. I think male NE looks clunky but I do like the way their armor looks on them for mog.

For my VE, I go male bc I think the female BE or VE looks too scrawny.

For my DI Dwarf i play male…only bc female dwarf models look funny to me.

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Not in my experience.

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I remember the developers of the first tomb raider games saying that same thing in an interview when they asked why they made the main protagonist a female.

I play male and female, but mostly based off the models and animations in the game. female forsaken look much cooler than the males for example, at least imo.