Do any female players play male characters?

Majority of my characters are male, because I don’t like the female animations of certain races.

Female here playing only female characters because I like to look at their “behinds” lol. Seriously I just find male toons to be clunky.

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As a woman I prefer male characters. My male characters are all mostly forsaken as well. I just don’t like the female forsaken models. I certainly don’t play them to look at their behinds either the models and animations are just far better. I’ll play females over males on a few races like orcs.

Similar to IRL, guys generally care more about what women look like than what other guys look like. Girls generally care more about how they themselves look. So guys will play either male or female, and girls more often just play female. I have made male characters before, but they haven’t been played in years o.o

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They just numbered body types now so it doesnt even matter.

Yeah. I’d say about half my characters are guys. Armor looks so good on the male models!

haha good point /thread

People do yes I knew someone in cataclysm that played a male blood elf priest. They said it was to keep the creeps away. Makes sense.

They’re generally a lot more goofy. I certainly don’t play female characters for their butts. The comparison between male and female night elf for example. Female seems to look really good when casting and even their “dodge” animations and such. Male is just horrendous. For reference I’m male, I play about 50/50.

And old guildie of mine used to play exclusively male blood elves. Because “they are the only decent looking characters”.

Body type 2’s exist?

One of my old guildies did, but we never were certain if they were a girl irl.

The armor sets I want to use have to look good on them. So for me often the female races look better and don’t take up too much of the screen. Nothing sexual.

There are exceptions, like I think male dwarves look a lil better from a fantasy perspective. God, why am I commenting on this? Can the server maintenance end soon please? lol

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We do. On the regular. For decades. Just saying. It’s kind of like when the phone rings. You don’t HAVE to answer it. YOU decide, not the caller.

No lie, that is one reason I play mainly male toons.

I don’t. I can pretend to be a panda, but playing a male, noway. Ive seen a lot of women you tubers play males though.

Oh gawd but they are so terrible looking, lol! Different strokes and all that I suppose haha

The female toons are better than their male counterparts. The males are bulging with muscles, yet the females can do just as much damage. This means they have better technique than the males who use muscles to compensate.

Technique > muscle

I’ve considered it because some I do find quite attractive and look better in gear than their female counterparts but I just have a hard time with it since I like to identify with the character I’m playing.

i think it’s mostly males that play females…
excuse me…real-life body-type-ones that play
game-life body-type-twos…
i think most are kinda/sorta dipping their toe
in the water, so to speak…
me, i identify with my character and i’m a real-life
body-type-one person, so that’s what i play
in game life…a body-type-one person.
and all this could end, if they’d just let me
log in and play.