Do any female players play male characters?

I generally go off of whatever names I’m able to find available and match those, plus mixing things up helps keep it interesting between characters.

Yes, but the only female player I play with has never done a male character lol

If I don’t play an elf, I don’t get any weird messages.

If I play an elf, I get a bunch of weird messages.

I don’t play elves all that often anymore.

At its heart, WoW is a role-playing game. Even if you (the generalized ‘you’ of the entire player base, not just the OP) aren’t playing the game specifically for that purpose, you are still represented by a character that isn’t the ‘you’ of real life…unless you try to tell me you really are a orc/elf/worgen/draenei/etc sitting at the keyboard.

Role-playing is acting; the use of your imagination to play the part of something you aren’t. So the real question is, why wouldn’t we also role-play the part of a character that’s a different gender? How would that be all that different from acting the part of an alien spell-caster? If you logically think it through, it seems kind of silly for someone pretending to be an Orc Warrior to be asking a female player why they’re playing a male character.

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Is this post an attempt to get women to talk to you? :thinking:

On a more serious note, I think 90% of the females I know that play use female toons and the ones who play male characters simply do it because they don’t want weirdos hitting on their character.

And I don’t mean the like oh they found out they were female now they are being weird I mean just going into random dungeons and things and some random person just hitting on their toon cause its female.

I play a few female characters, including my main and was initially surprised at the number of cat-calls and whispers I’d get.

I’ve heard this a lot and always thought it was a pretty weird take. I don’t make a sex object out of my characters so why would I be staring at their butt the whole time either way? My wife plays female characters and I play male characters because those are the types we can relate to the most which seems more important than what kind of butt I’m staring at.

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Don’t you mean Body Type 1?
Can’t really figure out why this was changed.
Is blizzard saying Male mody types are number 1 ahead of female bodies?

I’d personally disagree I tend to like female bodies much better.
Seems a little wrong either way to label one as first of the best, but its not my game.

Two; a friend who has a few guy characters but they’re all memes.

Second one enjoys playing a Void Elf male hunter that is dressed very fab. Not her main but she plays it often.

I will play whichever I think looks the coolest, and my main is female draenei. I do also play worgen male though as I’m still traumatized by rabid chihuahua, and the Dracthyr male visage is way better than the dumpy, ducklips, human female visage.
But also, and maybe I’m a minority, I’ve never really had anyone be nice to/harass me as a female character.

Not saying this is you, OP, but I’ve noticed in these comments that people, when discussing women playing male characters it’s not ‘cringe’ or ‘weird’

Oh but a guy plays a female character and some people (Notice I said some, I didn’t say all) act like I’m committing a crime…

Maybe I missed it but I thought people saying it’s “cringe” and “weird” was referring to “staring at a female butt.”

That answer is weird, not playing a female toon.


I’ve seen some posts say that men playing female characters is cringe and weird, especially in Roleplay (NORMAL roleplay not Extreme Roleplay)

My bad then.

For the record, I don’t think it’s weird at all.

This has never happened to me on any of my toons. I must be doing something wrong.


My wife plays all female characters and was definitely surprised when I would show them to her. She, too, has not had the same experience.

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A couple of my friends do. They like the female models better but they’ve had bad experiences in other games so they just play male models. Their guilds also have no idea they’re chicks cuz who wants the trouble.

I’m female too but the male belf models are :-1: and a hilarious amount of dudes play female models because staring at the backside of pixels makes you gae apparently :laughing:

Am female.

I have male blood elf and Pandaren characters. I hate the horrible slouchy posture of the female blood elf, and I enjoy how round and squishy looking the male Pandaren are, so I chose the male model for those.

Otherwise, I don’t really care. I generally make female characters because I am one, but I have no aesthetic or roleplay related reasons for this. It’s just kind of the default for me unless there’s a reason not to.

That’s probably how the Dracthyr identify.

If you listen to how Dracthyr talk, their voice lines etc, they are definitely a euphemism for “something”.


The gender of my character 100% depends on animations and how gear looks on them for any given class.

I have males and females.

Of note I have no male night elves.

They look like Gumby. No.