Do any female players play male characters?

I mainly play female characters because their shoulder armor isn’t comically oversized. The male characters I do play normally have their shoulder transmog as hidden.


I am a guy and I mostly play Females (body type 2). Female Gnomes are really cute. Female Vulperas are a very c;lose second.

I have an occasional male character here and there. Some races just look better as a male.


This is what I do. Sometimes. Mostly.

I have a few male toons I play occasionally but my main 3 are female.

Ok fine, I transmog their clothes off and run them in the near-nuddy.

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I knew someone lol that played male orcs, cows, etc to seem like a dude and pretended they were one.

I’ve had some secure, beautiful ladies inside and out tell me they do not need or want attention from men - it’s unwanted.

I can’t imagine a woman wanting (mostly) sweaty loser guys messaging her constantly, especially if it’s constantly just about, ya know. Seems like it would be rather annoying.

So playing a male character frees you of that.


Technically, they are either body type 1 or body type 2 characters. So no way anyone plays any gender.

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Is this a creepy way to flush out women? because if so, I just started a Jason Momoa thread, ladies.


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I’ve always thought that was the weakest “reason” anyone could give.


I am female and play female characters. All of my characters wear revealing clothing. Most people think I am a guy because of the tmogs and leave me alone. Win/win


I find it such a creepy reason to play a body type 2. I try to avoid it whenever possible just because that is what rings in my ear when I consider it.


I’m a guy and mostly play guy characters. My reason for playing a female NE druid is…well have you seen the males? They look terrible. Big hand, goofy running lunks is what they are lol.


Dude, don’t even get me started on Night Elves. TBH. I didn’t realize Elves came in male body types. I thought all Elves were female to begin with. There’s dude elves?

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At least you’re not an Anakin, ask Anakin his opinion on LAVA… “It burns and it gets EVERYWHERE.”

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I snort-laughed.

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I made this meme:

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Raises hand

I only play male characters, I’ve always only played male characters. I’ve always disliked the armor and models they’ve used for female characters (starting way back when WoW first came out).

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I do. Why? Bc the creepy guys don’t randomly whisper creepy things to male characters. It’s split about half and half for me.

I have one male orc Shaman i play