DMF in ally territory WITH Fire Festival?

Well then i think thats a /thread

PvP happens on PvP servers. Maybe a PvE server is more for you?


Why didnā€™t you roll alliance then if you are that concerned about min/maxing 15 year old content?

again, reading comprehension is hard. Iā€™m not talking about PvP. Iā€™m talking about fire festival during YOUR DMF week?

how many times i gotta repeat it?

Are you dylexic? Suffer from short term memory loss?

Not a rhetorical question genuinely curious. Cause yknow, I explained the /thread literally the comment before yours.

A few more please

Try PvE servers. You can get all the buffs you want and not fear PvP. Then you can parse without worrying about the big bad alliance beating you up


I will have zero problems strolling right up to to the faire with all my buffs and talk to Sayge. I donā€™t see what the problem is.

this is the first actual legitimate argument you have come up with.

I knew you would get there eventually.

So, PvP happened on a PvP server?

Oh theres no argument to be had. Youā€™re just crying into the wind here

Best DPS racial and most common PVE racial horde side by a mile.

Yeah but its really bad this time because it hurts his parses. So blizzard should make sweeping changes to help his parses


And some how the random alignment of 2 events on fixed timers is some how ā€œUnfair?ā€

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All the flames arenā€™t in Alliance territory, just the ones you need to douse. The Alliance has to come to Horde zones to do theirs.

yes. It clearly is. maybe it was by coincedence, but in UNDENIABLY worked in ALlies favour.

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Then roll Alliance or play on a PvE server.

100% a coincidence. But I donā€™t see how it works in the Allianceā€™s favor unless youā€™re real issue is with PvP. I wont have any problems getting my Sayge buff tonight.

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Or its perfectly fair and you are just being a baby?

Ok you said this isnā€™t about PVP but also dismissed the argument of Warchiefs blessing because Alliance can just get mind-controlled to get this buff.

First off Alliance even on a PVE server need to risk getting killed trying to get WCB as they need to get flag to get mind-controlled.

Second DMF buff is 2 hours long while WCB is only 1 hour

Third WCB must be received from either Orgrimmar or more realistically Crossroads in the Barrens.

Since it is quite possible to die while getting WCB from random horde players deciding to gank you while you are flagged you need to do this first in the order of world buffs (or take a big gamble).

But if we are ignoring PVP it is still very worth noting that Alliance need to make a special trip out to Crossroads to get this buff while horde can get both WCB and Rallying Cry while in Orgrimmar. Honestly Elwynn Forest is still a longer distance for us to travel from SW than your zero distance travel while standing around Orgrimmar.

So yes I think if we are just looking at travel time and not the PVP aspect, having to make a special trip to Crossroads for Parse week will probably take just as much time as the horde taking a special trip to Elwynn with the fact that a 1 hour buff is far more likely to fall off mid-raid than a 2 hour buff with all this travel time considered.

Also as a side note, if you are doing the chain of warlocks and mages to get around quickly weā€™d just have a group camped outside both DMF & Crossroads respectively eliminating any argument of travel time as a summon takes the same time.


I just want him to die over and over.

Is that so much to ask for??

Seems like you can get Dmf WAAAAY easier than ally can get Wcb. You literally just have to walk thereā€¦ I usually get Wcb on Dmf weeks but it isnt really worth the trouble if youā€™re not trying to top parse. Horde on the other hand can get it with basically no effort.

Your tears are delicious tho

Grow up. :roll_eyes: