3 letters, lfr
I rate ret just above DH as the most boring DPS specs to play (Melee)
Ret and DH honestly play like Obliteration Frost to be honest just terribly unengaging.
I like APM a lot more than “pooling” up for a spell to go as long as possible.
Dont even get me started on Uh’s 65% dmg being passive rotation…
yeah its a fundamental difference i like BoS and Legion Dark Arbiter and Legion Surrender to Madness etc etc
I like having high leverage moments were im required to doing something really well for a window of time, and when i mess up and do it wrong it only makes me appreciate those times more when i do it right.
I think alot of people enjoy Obliteration Oblit high APM spam and Havoc high APM Chaos strike spam its regimented its straight forward (so is BoS build for 95 seconds of every 2 mins) but then the cooldown is up and for a brief 15-25 seconds im engaged with the class the fight transitions and timing.
i’m gonna have to disagree with you good sir , i quite like my dk .
played frost in udir and i am now unholy for the new raid … i mean sure we arent TOP 1 dps but we aint bad .
and quite frankly most of it come from the player behind the keyboard not the class
Hunters have a good spot when it comes to the group needing: lust or misdirect on skittish weeks so other than that I agree with your other classes mentioned
Statistics say otherwise. When you have top DK players parsing 100% in their fights and being the 5th or worse dps in the raid that are parsing <90%… something is wrong.
Either Fest strike or SS damage needs doubled. Fes isnt something that gets used a lot and has a high cost. It should hit hard.
SS could be another way to give UH a small bump in damage. The physical/shadow part anyway.
Maybe big buffs to gargoyle?
Spitballing here. Id just like to see some damage shifted to active abilities instead of so much of it being passive.
Do some research before saying DK’s dps is ok. Yes, we are on par with most dps, every 8mins for 30secs.
it was done on normal difficulty.
most toons around 380 ish.
This sad place and this forum is a graveyard of the post from people who have no clue how to play a DK.
One the reason DK DPS is bad is easy to many GCD. Every spell we have has a GCD which makes the 7-9 spells we use capped. This a hard came that can only be broken by Lust. That is why you see DK’s on the pull pulling 50k dps then over the course of the fight dropping down to 18k -20k. If you sit on the boss most the fight and never had to move you would only be able to use 60 abilities 1 per sec that is the hard cap. Add in needing Runes or runic power and you end up clipping off many abilities on top of not being able to cast other spells till the first one finishes adding more time to each GCD.
To fix DK they have to remove something off the GCD or make something cost fewer runes. 1 spell off GCD with give us a huge dps boost or remove the rune cost for an ability. Like why do I need to spend runes to use Fester Strike to put up a Festering Wound then have no runes to use a scourge stike and get a Festing might. Then you have to spam death coil or auto attack till you get runes back up Making our auto attack in the top 3 for damage done.
A 2 hand class should never have auto attack into top 3 for damage done but our spell should scale much higher based off of our weapon like scourge strick should be ripping stuff apart from the better weapon you get.
we’ve had most of our spells on the GCD the whole time, a few here and there haven’t been, particularly frost’s damage cds, but in general the GCD change barely affected us compared to other classes.
this includes you.
autoattack is so high for us because the devs do not want us playing at range. they are policing our playstyle to fit what they want.
I understand all this and that is why i said we will never be able to fix anything till the remove some of the GCD or runes on abilities.
if you understood it then you would wonder what you are talking about, unholy has always had a lot of GCD locked cds, its a hodgepodge of complex class mechanics all mixed into one spec. cd management of gcd locked cds is one of them.
the fix needs to be that bulk of our damage is shifted from autoattack to our spells, which will make the class feel fun again. will unholy play at ranged full time? no, we could do 90% of our dps at range in legion and still creeped in for that extra 10% melee.
Sounds like a Destruction Warlock. These CD specs need to be fixed. Please stop making class specs CD dependent.
People always trying to justify there action [quote=“Inemia-rexxar, post:79, topic:116253, full:true”]
if you understood it then you would wonder what you are talking about, unholy has always had a lot of GCD locked cds, its a hodgepodge of complex class mechanics all mixed into one spec. cd management of gcd locked cds is one of them.
the fix needs to be that bulk of our damage is shifted from autoattack to our spells, which will make the class feel fun again. will unholy play at ranged full time? no, we could do 90% of our dps at range in legion and still creeped in for that extra 10% melee.
I’m sorry the way it has always been done not mean it works and our spells have had a massive overhaul over the year. GCD locked on every spell makes the spec have a hard cap as I said so if you want to add more AP power to the spec and it is fun for you that is just good luck. Spending most the time in a fight waiting for GCD or even a rune to come back up is just bad design. Give us more Dots or tools for when we are not on the Boss outside of death coil spam.
They can give a tone of AP and it does nothing but make you do more damage on paper but never fixes the problem. A frost mage can put out a frost orb and top charts and most classes have a spell that will proc an insta cast and we get a free death coil that is already an insta cast with a GCD.
“will unholy play at ranged full time?”
Why not our class is built around “Unholy spells” and I would rather go back to managing Dots then have to sit on a boss 100% so the auto attack can do 40% of my damage. I
Add reworked spells that give us a 0.30 cast time on a dot but the cast time can be cut down by haste or a proc not 9 GCD that we need to play wack a mole with to get any dps out the spec.
the overhauls are not due to class design or mechanics issues, one could argue we needed very little changes from legion, most of the changes seem to be for change’s sake and not for any real need.
GCDs have been a resource limitation for dks since wrath beta. this is part of the class, asking for it to be removed or made easy would be like asking for RP or runes to be removed, perhaps you should try a different class that plays the way you like instead of wishing to change a completely different class.
learn to play dk better.
mechanically there is no difference between 1 dot that ticks for 100 and 2 dots that tick for 50 each. its not more complex or more engaging to just add stuff that takes nothing but 1 extra GCD to account for.
unholy is not a press 1 button and get dps spec, go play a frost mage or DH if you want that. if you don’t understand DK, don’t whine about how hard it is to play.
go play a warlock.
you seems to talk about the last expack a lot LOL I played a DK day one and this is nothing like the trash you played last exp. SomeBody WAS GOOD HAHAAH.
oh, you made your DK at 1am on 11/13/2008 as well? i was late getting back from a midnight launch party where i got the CE.
the modern version of DK is superior to the wrath model because it requires a player to plan out and prioritize spell usage, if you are bad at this, then you get exactly the behavior you describe, stalling out, massive gaps where you do nothing but autoattack, etc.
the wrath model was poor in comparison because it required no thinking, no planning, and no management. your next spell was completely determined by what runes you had, and the only complex thing was managing two dots that had the same duration and just had two buttons to press in sequence. all 3 specs could be played by anyone with a simple cast sequence macro. it was hardly an ideal playstyle unless you eat chalk.
I did a +13 Motherlode last night. The overall feeling was good for an UH DK. I consistently was #1 on boss fights (fortified week), and trash packs I was doing around 30k-40k on most packs that are 3-4 mobs a pack. Reaping, I had a couple 100k+ packs.
With that said. The other dps in my group were really lack luster for a +13, especially on packs. This just reinforces my discussion on another thread that our AoE cleave is really top tier WHEN we have the time to set it up. If the other 2 dps in my group played the cleave game better (DH, Lock, Outlaw Rogue, Warrior, etc… etc…) then my cleave dps goes down dramatically due to the fact their damage/time is significantly greater than ours.
I really do think that if we see a change in our set up times, we will see our viability increase greatly.