DK Red Eyes Option

They’ve been wetting the bed in this thread since July lol.

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nah im laughting at how dense you are with sarcasm.

Night elves have been wearing blindfolds since 2004 and DHs since 2016 without having their headslots taken.

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I don’t really care what DH and Night Elves have been doing. DH blindfolds still don’t change their eye color and sarcasm is always lost through text.

Need us some deathly white eyes for that Bwonsamdi look.


Honestly the filmed over dead eyes look is perfect for us. Why do only the living get it!

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Even Blizz’s own in-game art in the spec page shows that Blood spec has red eyes and unholy has green eyes. Honest I want normal eyes more.


Allow me to xmog weapon enchants into my eyes. I want mongoose eyes


I don’t know when blue meant green, but this has already been talked about. The blood background art is just monochromatic. People shouldn’t look into talent background art for anything.

Burden of Proof, that is EXACTLY how it works.

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This… actually sounds like a really badass idea…
Imagine the Unholy Weapon enchant: “I have 4 green eyes that orbit my hecking skull!!”


Ooh, executioner would look good on my pally.


Lifestealing :smiley:

Thats a really nice opinion! Maybe its not and the character’s eyes really are red :open_mouth:

I would like to take off my helmet and have my eyes remain red. That would be rad.


or the blood drip from Berserking


It’s not an opinion.

Burden of proof for what exactly? Do you have Blizzard saying DKs can have red eyes or green eyes? Do you have Blizzard saying Lady Alistra is a DK?

No, you don’t.

and you dont have anything from blizzard saying that she isnt. its your very subjective opinion.

its entirely subjective so yeah its your opinion. thats cool I respect it, I choose to believe its a dk character with red eyes like Lady Alistra, thats my opinion.

Engaging this one last time.

The evidence WE present.
Lady Alistra has all the hallmarks of being a DK aside from the fact she has Red Eyes.
This provides at the very least circumstantial evidence that DKs have the possibility of having Non-Blue eyes.
Blizzard created the NPC ergo this is a statement that can be taken as Blizzard allowing the possibility of different eye colors for DKs.

To disprove/refute this claim, would require a statement from Blizzard stating explicitly that DKs can ONLY have Blue Eyes. Not that DKs have blue eyes, as that is merely a statement of observation. It must explicitly state ONLY blue eyes.

As YOU are providing the argument AGAINST different eye colours, the Burden Of Proof falls on YOU to provide a source of this statement should it exist.
You keep saying “Blizzard have said” but until you provide a quotable source from Blizzard that is only hearsay.

So if you do in fact have this piece of evidence then provide it.
Otherwise just as everyone else has done, we assume you in fact do not have evidence thus your case is dismissed.