DK Red Eyes Option

Please add DK Red eye options for all races. At least for Blood DK across all races and for sure for The Earthen.


Indeed. With hero talents specifically, it’s never been a more pertinent time to let DK’s customize their eye color.

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I wouldn’t mind an option to go away from glowing eyes as well.


They should do it based on the hero class imo. New icey blue for deathbringer, green for rider, red for Sanlayn


–= OR =- (now hear me out), we just let players decide. They can do that if they wish, with the hero class. Or just not. Because let players play their RPG.


Why would Dk eye color change at all? You are playing Blizzards RPG and they already said that DK eyes are blue.

Do we have any instances of DK eye color changing? (dont say Bolvar he was never a DK and he was tapping into the power of the helmet which is what they used to say DK eyes are blue if anyone watched SL Blizzcon)

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I stopped by from when this was originally posted to see if Kelliste posted something about lore and i was not let down.


Of course I am, its like going out to the road to see if cars drive on it. If people are going to make a suggestion about something that is rooted in lore, then there should be a lore explanation. Its really not that hard to understand.

It doesnt make sense that eye color would change with spec or hero spec period. If you have a good reason for it, then lets hear it.

Blizzard could make it make sense on a whim. It’s theirs to with as they please. They’ve added loads of stuff to the game with supporting lore at the same time, Tauren Palas come to mind off the top of my head.

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Those are Sunwalkers similar as Blood Knights. A better example is Void Elf DK. The dead should not be effect by the whispers from the void.


But they already double downed on DK blue eyes. And if its theirs to do with what they please why all these threads asking them to do as the player pleases? If its theirs to do with what they please, they have already stated, and double downed, that DK’s have blue eyes. So these threads can stop.

I would be down for Red eyes as an option, but not tied to spec. The the Unholy trainer in Acherus has red eyes Lady-Whats-Her-Name, though I think she’s technically a Darkfallen… but still.

Boot up WoW, log in, and open up the talent trees.

Red eyes for Blood.

Blue eyes for Frost.

Green eyes for Unholy.

Right there in the game already. If they’re going to put it in the talent trees, it should be available for the players.



Blood has red eyes in the talent art because it’s monochromatic.

The Frost artwork is a frostwyrm.

And the unholy one does have blue eyes.

Why are people so bad at just basic stuff? Are you saying that Frost should actually be a frostwyrm? It’s in game that Frost DKs are frostwyrm s according to you.

Also Prot Warrior can be argued to have glowing eyes in the artwork, affliction has glowing purple eyes in the artwork neither of which makes your eyes glow. It’s also not a race that has glowing eyes.

Quit grasping at straws.

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Eye options for all! Great stuff


Red eyes dripping/crying blood would be sick.
Unholy could be empty eye sockets with green aura or worms or something :man_shrugging:

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Especially since one of our hero talent trees revolves around Vampiric blood magic, they could just add a short little quest line to give us a new customization option, much like they did with red skin draenei.

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Lady Alistra in Acherus has red eyes. Old DK talent trainer in the Plaguelands.


Let the player pick!


Thassarian and Alexei Barov also do not have glowing/traditional DK eyes. You can see the iris and pupil in each of their eyes. As of Thassarian’s appearance in Shadowlands in Oribos, this is still true.