DK Red Eyes Option

Sorry, not going to lie for some toxic strangers on the internet will like me. You can shut up about me.

I wish I had the lack of self awareness as Kelliste.


I do think there should be an option to turn off the blue glow in favor of your racial eye options, now that the LK is gone, and the helmet is destroyed.

I actually like the blue eyes, but I also like to RP as a frost warrior sometimes (now that LK is no longer in my head), and being able to use regular eye volors would go a long way.


Can you guys do anything other than talk about me constantly? Seriously, how pathetic.

This happened way back in Wrath before the LK was defeated.

I cant believe not a single person so far has suggested that there be a new generation of DK that was created by someone attempting to emulate the LK work but with no access to domination magic there could be different eye colors. People are so focused on bashing me, and trying to weasel in things that dont fit that they couldnt be bothered to think of a solution going forward. In terms of gameplay they would have to be just as strong as the OG, in lore however they would be inferior.

You dont have to be a DK to use these abilities, you dont have to be a Dk to wear the armor because any undead can wear saronite and be 100% fine. Just have a basis of necromancy and an attempt at emulating the original. Tada, solved it for you all, your welcome.

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No. You bring it upon and everyone in these forums overwhelmingly dislike you.

So you cant control yourself and admit to breaking ToS… typical.

Tell it to someone who cares. Why would I care what some nobody on the forums constantly talking about me thinks of me?

Nah, they know exactly what they’re doing, and are fairly good at it. Getting as much negative attention as they can by pissing everyone off so they can pretend to be the ‘interesting person’ for a while.

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Yes I do.


From people that dont know what they are talking about.


“Whitemane doesnt have blue eyes!”

https ://

Who is that carrying Bolvar, Nazgrim and who? And what color eyes does she have? Oh right, its WHITEMANE WITH BLUE EYES!

“Thassarian doesnt have blue eyes!”

https ://

Looks like he has blue eyes to me.

If the truth is pissing you off, then you are the problem.

Right? They should have given the option for that a long time ago, at least when they brought in the barber shop. All of DF, I RPed as a frost warrior, left to get by in the world after the helm was destroyed, and any remaining tie, or small part of the LKs magic still in my bones I had was severed completely with helm being destroyed. They had that whole new DK intro for the newer races, but I’m pretty sure that still involved Bolvar with the helm. I don’t know if they could get away from that particular magic, but they could definitely alter the way it is used to make new DKs, at least resulting in racial eye choices.

I absolutely hate SL and what it did to the LK and removing the helm removed the LK powers… no. Thats not at all how it worked.

The Helm of Domination was just part of the LKs prison. There was some inconsistencies with the LK originally because the armor that arthas was wearing was part of the LK prison along with Frostmourne. When he put on the helm you could say it was the final piece so that Ner’zhul could merge with the vessel and that takes some time. After that merger and Arthas took off the helm, it didnt matter that vessel was now the LK and if someone else put on the helm then that person would instantly die. Removing the Helm from Bolvar and him losing his LK powers made 0 sense and ruined all of that original stuff.

Domination magic is also very weak and the Jailer basically overcame it instantly in the overall picture. If the Nathrezim are from the Shadowlands then this plan of the Jailers went back to almost the point of creation and they were with the void / old gods at that point on a void world so none of it really makes any sense.

Everything we know or knew is 100% ruined.

DK’s blue eyes were explained perfectly fine with the LK bestowing onto us everything that he was. We were to be the LK emulating himself across the battlefield. Domination magic didnt need to exist and really shouldnt have played a part in anything. The master smith of the Shadowlands couldnt just make some chains to bind him? Or just kill him, or kick him off the side of Oribos into oblivion? No? Make some weak magic that be overcomes instantly to then use and start this plan that went back to at least the void lords sending old gods out into the universe was the answer?

Bolvar was wearing the helm but he wasnt fully the LK since he was still doing the merging. Thats the entire point of being in that ice prison for so long.

They should have never created it. It wasnt needed.

All you would have to do, especially if the DK class is to continue forward, is to have someone like a Lich or something, trying to get the scourge going again and trying to create DK’s but since there is no LK the Lich doesnt get it quite right. The Lich gets defeated and then the new freed DK’s are then brought into the Ebon Blade. But trying to change the 3rd and 4th gen and trying to say “they can have different color eyes” and using a bunch of people that have been debunked since I can remember, is not the way to go about it.

I say just ignore SL entirely. Its really inconsequential if you do ignore it. Even Anduin being whiny will still make sense without SL because he was always that way.

LoL! Pretty solid proof they don’t play the game as anything more then a casual button masher. All of Legion had Lich King Bolvar talking to us in our head, and the knowledge that he could still do that and exert control over us was points in the Ebon Blade story.


so you got 1 cinematic against her in-game model, and a manga cover from 2009 vs the in game model…

for Whitemane i’d say fair since legion came out before shadowlands they could have retconned her to have blue eyes, then again.

but I cant give it to you for thassarian, its a very old comic/manga pannel. its always been Ingame > out of game with blizzard.

and you deny every other arguments because you disagree with our version of what a dk is. so unless you want to argue that, you have nothing to add to this forum post seing as apart from you we’re pretty much all in agreement.

Totally agree! kinda like the worgens, they had “normal” eye colors added which would be cool to see added to DK’s too.

Ive already explained it, its an in game limitation. This has been proven way before Legion.

Which was in Wrath just proving more that its an in game limitation.

Its not retconned, its an in game limitation.

Too bad, he has blue eyes whether you like it or not.

So what? It just proves that this in game limitation has been in the game since Wrath at the very least.

No it has not.

Your version of what a DK is doesnt matter at all. Blizzard created the DK in WoW and 3rd and 4th gen DK’s have blue eyes.

Argue against what? Your version of DK? Go make your own game with Death Knights if you want to have “your version” of a DK. This isnt your game to have your version of anything.

well since you cant provide a statement by blizzard that ALL 3rd/4th gen DKs ABSOLUTLY NEED blue eyes what you just said is your interpretation and your opinion.

Not yours either. Its blizzards and until blizzards says no and provides a source that says its 100% impossible for 3rd/4th gen DKs to have different eye colors i’ll keep yapping and sharing ideas with the community right here.

Limitation went away in Bfa, Shadowlands is after. Thassarian and whitemane should have blue eyes but they dont.

You dont have a statement from them either. Stop trying to use something that doesnt exist as a means to win an argument when you dont have that thing either. The difference is that they DID say that Death Knights have blue eyes and went on to explain those blue eyes and Ion even said “do the blue eyes make sense now” at Blizzcon after the SL cinematic was finished.

Never claimed it to be my version, in fact I said

Yes, its Blizzards, and they said DK’s have blue eyes.

This isnt how it works, it would be they provide a source that says its possible for them to have different eye colors.

Except you arent sharing ideas, you are trying to argue that DK’s that do have blue eyes actually done, trying to say a known game limitation doesnt exist, and then trying to say “oh yeah… well… uh… blizzard never said they couldnt exist!” and they never said they could exist either.

No they didnt.

Congrats, you know that an expansion came after another. This doesnt mean anything.

They do. You just dont want to accept reality. Thats all there is to it. 3rd and 4th generation DK’s have blue eyes and they even went on to explain it, the human face scars have a game limitation on them no matter what people say on here because “WoWmodelviewer shows it” even though WoW model viewer is a 3rd party thing, its not Blizzards thing.

The game has limitations whether you like it or not. Its why Thassarian and Whitemanes eyes dont glow in game despite them actually having blue eyes, and its also why there cant be player housing in how people want it. Garrisons are the best they can do with this engine.

im doordashing mcdonalds does any1 want smnth


yeah Ill take a cheeseburger no pickle please

Another Great example of DK with more Eye/face customisation is Ormus the penitent in ICC, he’s got a blindfold because he couldn’t bare to see the world after the atrocities he did in the name of the lich king.

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man you sure like wasting your time on a “troll”. I respect your opinions and interpretations have a good day :slight_smile:

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A blindfold is a helm.

And it’s kind of sad you are admitting 100% of your posts is a troll.