DK Red Eyes Option

3 months later and that one DK player is still being vehement against cool customization.

It sucks that every DK has the same eyes. The novelty has worn off many long years ago.

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They are literally the “my uncle works at Nintendo” kid from the playground in the 90s who just never grew up and now wants us to believe he knows the dev who said all this stuff but you don’t know them and the live in Canada anyway.

That isnt how it works.

No its not.

Doesnt exist.

No she doesnt. I mean if people are saying Liches are DK’s then its just a bunch of nonsense grasping at straws trying to see if something sticks. You have NOTHING.

No it doesnt. Hey, remember that one character in Telogrus Rift that people tried to say “see there is another DK with red eyes!” Does absolutely nothing. Its just grasping at straws.

And there is absolutely nothing about her other than she has done nothing but train some Death Knights and now she has been relegated to “change your gargoyle here! change your gargoyle!” She has been in 0 battles EVER. You guys limit what a DK is which you can make a snail look like a DK. Well a snail has flesh therefore DK. Thats what you guys are doing. You dont even know she is a DK, you are assuming it while trying to state it as FACT.

Shes not a DK. Unless you have Blizzard saying “Lady Alistra is a Death Knight” then you have absolutely nothing.

No, you literally wouldnt, you just need to show that all 3rd and 4th generation DK’s in fact do have blue eyes which they do.

Not at all what I have been saying but you do you buddy.

And what have you been doing? Observing and then making an assumption based on 1 NPC with absolutely nothing about her except “she uses Death Knight abilities (which arent Death Knight abilities) and she wears the armor of a Death Knight” Sorry, that doesnt make you a Death Knight and more specifically it doesnt make you a 3rd or 4th generation Death Knight.

Ion at Blizzcon. The quote was, which is on video if you bother to do any research, says “Now do the BLUE eyes make sense?” Meaning there is a reason behind them.

So you want prove of a statement that doesnt exist? Thats a failure in logic. You want prove of invisible pink unicorns not existing, it doesnt work like that. If you are saying that DK’s can have different eye colors then you must show it. Even though Ion at Blizzcon at the announcement of Shadowlands specifically singled out DK blue eyes. Its not the “exact” nonsense that you want, but they talked about BLUE eyes. Not red, not green, but blue and the reasons why 3rd and 4th gen DK’s have blue eyes.

I have. Blizzcon for the announcement of SL. Do you not know how youtube works or something? Cant google it? Fingers broken or something? Come on you cant be this lazy if you are going to try to claim I am wrong here.

I did, its not my fault you dont want to get your phalanges working instead of typing this whole thing you for absolutely nothing.

So you dont have any statement from Blizzard saying that DK’s can have different color eyes, they dont even talk about it or hint at it in any statement. But they have talked about blue eyes (again at Blizzcon with the announcement of SL and showing the cinematic) yet you want to dismiss my case? What a total failure of an argument you have.

6 years later and you guys are still being vehemently against consistency and immersion. Its pretty sad.

What nonsense are you talking about? What different realm of reality are you living in that you can just make junk up? Is it just because people dont like the name that you think you can just say whatever nonsense? ION TALKED ABOUT DK’S HAVING BLUE EYES AT BLIZZCON AT THE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SL. The expansion even went on to explain 3rd and 4th gen DK blue eyes.

So this is your evidence? And WHICH part of this statement completely excludes other options? Because this statement doesn’t.
It is a rationalisation. NOT an exclusive statement.

So you have proven you completely fail to understand Burden of Proof with all your other blathering and the statement you so vehemently cling to is not even something that excludes the possibility of other eye colors.
Because they can just write something new that adds eye color options and also say “So do the new eye colors make sense?” and then your entire argument is dead in the water.

An exclusive statement would be like what happens with Demon Hunters stated in several quests and the Illidan novel that ALL DHs ingest a demon and their eyes thus burn with fel.
Note that this exclusive statement exists for DHs and yet it does not for DKs.
Ergo, DK eye color could be altered while DH eye color could not.

We’re done with you and your disingenuous bad faith arguing, you have been debunked, your evidence proves nothing.

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Yup… Welcome to the DK forums. :joy: :rofl:


Because Blizzard went out of their way to further explain why Death Knights (3rd and 4th gen DKs) have blue eyes.

So where is the contradicting statement where Blizzard has said that DK’s (3rd and 4th gen) can have other eye colors?

Well red eyes would make sense for elves because they’re Darkfallen.

Darkfallen = undead elf, it has nothing to do with eye color. An elf death knight is automatically a darkfallen.

she said the magic words.


When it comes to balance… why cant you guys just be honest for once in your life?