DK Creation Blue Post: the audacity is deafening

I know right I woke up and saw the post got so excited thought there was news :joy::joy:


Next blue post

“How to get a discount when you subscribe for more months!”

Don’t forget the free milk!

And it was first posted in the wrong forum (retail forums) and had to get moved LOL


can buy one time boost per account for tbc and when here, wotlk, server transfer, portal pass x2, special edition, character clone, 2 different types of subs, and whatever was added in og wrath will likely be added again, not to mention a wrath boost, a wrath special edition and 3 different types of subs.

also classic is in the top 10 most played mmos . its beating eve online, black desert online, runescape, elder scrolls online and guild wars 2. not to mention new world, everquest 2, and other big name mmos that arent in the top 10. its beaten by retail wow, old school runescape, lost ark and ffxiv. how the heck did old school runescape manage that? lol amazing.

and yet most of the wrath community is still not a whale.

i am. i bought dragonflight preorder, bought my friend who i play classic and retail with, the sunwarmed feline, bought the midsummer special mounts/pets, bought the sprite darter wings and the celestial observers ensemble, not to mention the winged guardian and imperial quillen. also bought every expac and both classic tbc portal pass and barring acts of god, will likely buy wrath boost and any portal pass. and i play tbc classic mostly lol

and blizzard happily will provide you with more things to purchase as long as you are willing to buy em <3

there you have it. i mostly play classic tbc, tho. and when wrath launches, will likely play mostly wrath, with a toe dip into dragonflight. its not 2 different communities, its one big community with people using / playing both classic and retail. so whales are on both sides

majority of classic players dont touch retail if the forums are anything to go by

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well i’ve mage boosted (mostly for free), hundreds of people in classic vanilla and classic tbc and many of them go back and forth from retail to classic era. like the launch of shadowlands saw a bunch of classic players leave classic to try shadowlands. same thing will happen when dragonflight releases. heck i even left retail to try classic season of mastery.

waiting anxiously for wrath pre-patch, tho it will end my side hobby of boosting others, wrath has so much yummy goodness, its worth it.

Its been fun watching the “community” implode over the past couple days while Blizz trolls them hard. :joy:

Keep it up Blizz! :+1: Tell them Strand is coming next!

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I liked Strand.

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The Blue Post about the DK should have come out after Joyous Journeys 100%. ESPECIALLY if we’re not hearing about Joyous Journeys for another week (which I hope not)

Also, please no news about how your going to scuff a slam dunk expansion. The next news should include that your making things right by adding RDF back in.

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Wow, after reading this thread, I really wonder why Blizzard doesn’t communicate with the community more.

Hey, here is what you want, and some useless information just to add roadslt to the wound that was already soaking in siracha.

It’s like winning your BIS and then the server resets to 5 days ago.

It’s like taking your shoes off the park, feeling lush green grass between your toes, you close your eyes and face the sun, BLAP shet on your face.

It’s like, eating ice cream, taking a bite, and the bottom of the cone breaking off, SPLAT no more ice cream.

It’s like raaaiiiaiaiin on your wedding day?

Some wanted new news.

we know how this goes. If they wanted better reception a #nochange to put it to get some love would be that interrogation quest will be capped at 5.

We promise by 5 kills…you will get the quest done. I’d say thank you very much then. One time in retail…I was on that for over 30 minutes. so many “questioned”. Too many, imo.

I would be blow away if you didnt work for blizzard. You literally live on the forums to apologize for them

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