DK Creation Blue Post: the audacity is deafening

Funny enough I bet alot of players will googling this as simple as it is.

nah. even retailers know to take the boat/airship. Wrath or tbc was the 60 to 80 choice pre squish leveling. many chose wrath. Even late starter retail players (I came in late legion) know the boat/air ship well.

Only a new new fresh start would not know since they’d have to beat the 1st run bfa cart on rails to chromie time wrath. I don’t see them jumping to this.

This thread and Icecrown Citadel is a prison

Amen bro, bring it.

I’d like communication on other aspects, but I guarantee you 100% without a shadow of a doubt, the person who’d give you the communication you want, and the person who wrote the DK post, are most definitely not even in the same department.

But the shareholders arnt ready we need the subs to dip lower. Then we release DKs and get a sub boost

Please ig nore this post, sorry.

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