DK Creation Blue Post: the audacity is deafening

The community is in here having a nuclear meltdown over lack of communication and the first blue post in now over a month about WOTLK Classic is some guide about how to create and play a Death Knight.

There’s thousands of videos about this on the Internet. The game has been out for 15+ years. Just give us some actual news about WOTLK or stay quiet.


I came here to post your words exactly.


Maybe next they will make one about how to use the barber


Can’t believe that’s what I “stayed tuned” for over the past 24 hours… a shallow guide to the Death Knight starter zone… I’m just at a loss of words. We pay $15/month for THIS

To call this “news” would be foolish… since news has to contain new information to be news



Perhaps it’s just the first of MANY wotlk posts going out today.

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It’s okay calm down

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I honestly wouldn’t mind working at Blizzard. I could be incredibly incompetent, not do my job most days, and still have a huge fanbase of brown nosers.


Corporate America in a nutshell.

Please be right. StAY tUnED ClASsiC plAyERs!

If they expect us to stay tuned for another guide on how to get to Dalaran from Dragonblight…

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“Coming soon: How to Get to Northrend in Wrath of the Lich King Classic”


“How To Pretend You Give A Crap Without Actually Giving A Crap”


No audacity, no pretense to it. It’s a very simple process for them. They just get handed some bit of information to post, and they post it. Maybe at some point next Monday morning, someone will ask, “Hey did you post it?”

“Yup, I posted it.”

Meanwhile nobody goes to the post to read any responses, or even to confirm it was actually posted. The person posting it, the person handing the information down to get posted, the person asking “hey did you post it?” None have any context, everything compartmentalized.

“Yup, it was posted”; that’s enough and that’s all they really need to keep on keeping on. And like this, weeks, months, years go by.

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It’s telling that I don’t even know where they posted it.

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it’s not a forum post

Get ready for every bot account to have a free level 58 DK. Surely removing all creation requirements was a good idea.


wait a minute, we can make Death Knights in Wrath? those are like the 2nd best hero unit from that indie RTS game Warcraft 3 that came out ages ago. can’t believe Blizzard is just ripping them off like that

Oof. 29? days of radio silence for this.

reading all these, its no wonder the team that deals with their presence here on the forums want absolutely nothing to do with this community lmao.

Blizzard employee who reads these or has to make replies, I’m truly sorry for the embarrassment that is this community, and I admit I’ve been a source of the kinda crap I’m reading in here right now.

you do you blizz personnel. you do you.


Imagine making excuses for people not doing their jobs, and suggesting the people who are sick of this being the norm for Blizzard for years are in the wrong for being frustrated with it.