DK Creation Blue Post: the audacity is deafening

Thank God they made that post. I forgot all about Death Knights! /s

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sweet baby jesus imagine crying harder than a child who didnt get the candy bar at the register line. coz das you right now.

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yeah I think they are trying to “overhype” this too much… their 3.3.5 version needs so much work, there might be some new players out there trying out wotlk for the first time but man they are on a serious lame path it’s hilarious at this point… the retail buff and they try to calm people down with another “hang in there” message…

relax man, take some breaths, it is not the end of the world mate, it is just a game. To quote a famous book “DON’T PANIC”

I just hope you can’t make a DK during pre-patch then for fresh realms. I mean seems obvious, but blizzard isn’t past oversights. Then again most big company’s aren’t it seems.

nah once i hit 55 on a fresh server its time to switch gears over to the DK . so please let there be DK.

If you read the post and the way it is worded. You won’t need a 55 on a fresh server. THat’s why it’s a bit strange.

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oh im pretty sure i read that we would have to hit 55 on the fresh servers for DK… i couldnt say where tho, maybe wowhead…

You’ve never done customer service in your life with a response like that. Little know fact (/sarcasm), you can negate most negative threads by being pre-emptive in your communication. People are more than willing to forgive mistakes and missteps, but they are not forgiving of the counterparty giving them the opportunity to understand and empathize with what is happening.

People are afraid to dialogue because they are afraid of negative feedback. But growth and better products/services come from honest exchange.

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That’s how it was back in the day which you know makes sense. I got mates who made there 55 way back already just to do a DK But to quote The Wowhead post.

  • Your first Death Knight created in any realm is free of restrictions.

  • Any Death Knights created after your first one must be on a different realm, and require an existing level 55 character on the same realm.

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And here we have the gender fluidity simulator. Feel free to change your gender as much as you like! We sure hope you didn’t want to change your race though!

my honest exchange is that i see a lot of crying over things people cant come to grip with the fact they have no control over the information that we are given and that itll be given when it is given.

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If you think a customer expressing dissatisfaction is, “crying” then I dunno man.


Here’s the deal though, if we were given this for free we would have no platform from which to ask for something. Let me be super clear here, we pay them for the subscription and access to the game. We consume a product they produce. If your insurance company (which you pay) tells you that they’re going to fix your car, then 29 days later says to stay tuned, and they fixed the guy who’s car came in after yours, you would have something to say about the fact that they didn’t tell you anything and you’re just sitting in the dark.

Customer dissatisfaction is not whining, it is feedback, and feedback is a gift. So you’re welcome.


no no i understand the want of information that is lack there of. but im not sure how long you been around these forums, becuase its almost always like this, theres always something the community is reeing about. demanding all the time and attention be given to their posts explicitly.
and to be fair i retaliated at you for the way you worded yourself towards me. because if you are blind to how this forum is, i envy those dull milky eyes you gotta have to miss it all.

I just kinda gave up and throw it to the wind with blizz, and moved onto play other games while keepin an eye on the forums with what time remains of my sub till im given a reason to resub again aka wrath prepatch / fresh servers.

hell ill try dragonflight if im given the alpha / beta key.

but till then as i said im playin other games, been playing fallout 1 on xbox games pass just because i never did and always wanted to give it a go.

It was really a guide on how to pick up WotLK on private servers.

heres the other half of that deal though, If you are paying for the sub, that means you want something, or like me you canceled it a while ago and are simply letting the timer run out and getting in some forum reading / posting while it remains.
so lemme be extra super clear for ya, this is entertainment, not something that really matters in the long run of things, your money and time, while eagerly accepted by blizzard, isnt cherished becuase you arent a whale, you arent spending money on their cash shop buying pets, mounts, cosmetics or wow tokens. you are playing a 15 year old version of a game that is on life support held togeather by duct tape and sheer will power.

custerm dissatisfaction in classic is whining, feedback, and a salt Mine. and i work that Mine like rammsteins sonne. Rammstein is a gift to this world, you’re welcome.

I couldn’t let the original video up forgot there was uh some stuff the forum forbids in it so ya’ll gotta deal with yer imaginations / looking it up yerself, heres the song doe.

high five to anyone who made it through that word salad i presented n gave the song a listen. lmao

Kinda off-topic but did they mention dual spec coming to Wrath or is it up in the air still?

Ain’t even mad, Rammstein is copium.

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It will happen, I believe they confirmed it will come with pre-patch but not positive.

It is in Beta.

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