DK Class Changes First Alpha Pass

I really hope they make Oblit/Icecap better because BoS is not fun, no matter if it would be with DW or 2H. BoS was only fun in Nighthold with the tier set and the legendary helmet, because then you could have stupidly long BoS.

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It’s a reward from Torghast. Wowhead posted a preview of rewards earlier today.

in Arena we used to go double DK and call out lichborne heals (to heal your DK team mate with DCs) it was unaffected by pvp modifiers so at the time it was like 20% of your Hp per coil.

Honestly wish we had that during legion, friend of mine and I both played dks and would do ranked 2s for the fun of it.

Where did I say either of those 2 statements? Hmm? Or are you making stuff up like everyone else does?

Its not like I said “if nothing is done” and “unless they address the differences”. How can you get something so absolutely wrong?

Weird how I also said they “might do nothing” since people were just asking for the choice, or an aesthetic.

You were just caught in a lie like the rest of them. All that people have to do is actually read my posts to see that.




You literally either are directly saying it isn’t going to be tuned, or implying it won’t be. You are literally basing everything off you say with “well in the past it was like this”. No one cares about the past. It’s the first alpha build, we have 3-4 months at least before we get pre-patch and another 1-2 minimum before expansion launch. Things can and do change in alphas and betas. I know, because in both Legion and BFA alphas I had to completely change around talents and playstyle when they tuned classes/specs. Alphas and betas are fluid.

No one at this point cares to read your posts. You’re a debbie downer complaining about stuff in the first build in an alpha. Everyone but you apparently is aware that things change with development cycles.

Edit: You are literally going from 2h thread to 2h thread doing the same thing in each one. Trying to belittle people who are happy Blizzard did something positive for the class lol.


Kelliste debates themself

Look now i’m not meaning to clown on this person. I just think it’s extremely petty to try to deny other players from having fun. I see it here from this person and also from others on the death knight discord. We’re all just trying to have fun playing WoW again.


i actually imagine he saying the abluhbluh part, laughed my a-- off with this one.

Apparently, one of his reason that 2H should not come back is because Blizzard either can’t or don’t want to balance it, so 2H ultimately is going to be bad and inferior by millions of dps compared to DW. Because of this, people would come to the forum complain about that.

From what i gather, he doesn’t want see topics of people complaining about that. Why that you ask me? i discover from his own mouth:

he have “empathy” towards the people who complain in the forum about 2H being behind DW

Your read it right, Kelliste said he have empathy towards players that complain in the forums that 2H will be behind DW and its just preaching for the best solution for then.

By having all this empathy and knowing blizzard will never ever balance things, because they either can’t or don’t want it, and knowing they can’t even make 2H just a bit behind DW, Kelliste knows, for a fact, that the right and more emphatic solution towards those players is simple removing completely the option to use 2H

If Blizzard remove it, Then the 2H players don’t have to complain in the forum that the option they like is under-performing, cause the option will not even be possible anymore!!! !!! 1 !1!

Makes sense? you tell me

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Shocker that there are different 2h supporters out there. Like I said long ago. How about you find the post where I listed around 4 different groups.

Aesthetic, that thought 2h alone would give big obliterate crits, wanted transmog, wanted DW removed, wants the split to come back.

Understanding what you quoted is important.

And where have I tried to deny your subjective fun? Hmm? The time where I suggested a nerf to DW? How about a fix to DW half crits? How about the 2h runeforge? You know addressing the differences while you guys try your hardest to discredit me while just showing that you don’t understand what you are reading?

Wow! Nothing done yet, thus far, could do this, could do that, could do absolutely nothing.

Those are really important words and phrases you ignored. Didn’t read anything past the first 2-3 quotes because you opened up with a lie.

Those statements do not say what you said they say. In fact it says to not sit on your hand just being excited because there has yet to be anything but a reason restriction removal.

Why is this so hard for you guys? Other people understand it perfectly fine.

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Good new Kelliste! 2h Frost is coming back!


And is there supposed to be some kind of point behind your post?

I know its a reward, but will it act as the legiondary ring did where we can bring it outside? Only have to wait and see!

I’d much rather have Helchains than Unholy Frenzy. Helchains blows things up.

Yes, that you don’t have to worry anymore, 2h Frost has been confirmed to be back! I remember back in the day, you kept saying that you did want it back.

It has 2 ranks in the wowhead calculator. 10% baseline + 10% rank 2.

Well that’s nice but what has me concerned is how we get rank 2 on stuff. I really hope it’s as we level like what happened in wod.

Rank 2 PoF is like lvl 49 I think.

Ayeeee another 5% Strength! Yum!

Worry about what? 2h is a non-issue since I didnt care one way or the other. I liked the spec, not a weapon.

Kind of strange that people only played the spec because of a weapon, remove the weapon and they stopped playing… why? To me that says they didnt really like the spec in the first place and was playing because “lawl op obliterates”.